All aboard the atheist bus?

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One line of evidence you suggest is that because something doesn't happen today, it never did.
(And no-one is suggesting that it was a common event!)

Calling people 'naiive and gullible' - insults which do not constitute any evidence at all.

Is it that you have no evidence to produce?
according to the book's that be , he also like me had a friend called lucifer, i am still looking for him, he owes me money, please if you know what forum he is on do tell me, thanks.
I do not have to produce any form of evidence to support the probable fact that there is no God. There is no evidence whatsoever to show that a God exists. A printed book proves absolutely nothing.

One line of evidence you suggest is that because something doesn't happen today, it never did.
(And no-one is suggesting that it was a common event!)

Calling people 'naiive and gullible' - insults which do not constitute any evidence at all.

Is it that you have no evidence to produce?

Do you seriously believe in:

Virgin birth
A talking snake
god creating everything in six days, only a few thousand years ago
Walking on water
Noah & the ark

...when the only evidence for these outlandish happenings is an old book? OK, you could forgive a small child for such beliefs, but not a grown-up.
if that is people's views that there is NO GOD surelly that applies to all religious movements, so why kill on believe along? what makes a god real and one not! hiprocracy, as the saying goes what is joke to you is death to me, or what is good for the gessee is good for the...
if that is people's views that there is NO GOD surelly that applies to all religious movements,

Of course, they are all equally potty, apart from the Flying Spaghetti Monster. ;-)

Whilst you can't disprove the talking snakes and all the rest of it, you also can't disprove fairies at the bottom of the garden. What seems likely, though?
adam & eve was that not insest?
cain able whoproduced offspring?
Do you seriously believe in:

Virgin birth
A talking snake
god creating everything in six days, only a few thousand years ago
Walking on water
Noah & the ark

...when the only evidence for these outlandish happenings is an old book? OK, you could forgive a small child for such beliefs, but not a grown-up.

Whether I believe these things or not is not at issue here.
I gave a reason why people do believe it, and you said it was nonsense, but did not produce anything to back up your statement.

All you have done is insult people who do believe it, calling them 'childish', "potty" etc, and saying that their only evidence is an old book. Are you suggesting that anything written in a book is suspect? Of course there is a lot to be learnt from ancient writings, whether in book form or inscriptions on monuments. Or would you burn all books? (An equally preposterous suggestion.)

Nando: If, and it may well be a big if, one accepts special creation, then it would make sense that the one who created Adam and Eve with the intention of populating the planet would do so with the genetic capability to do so. So, incest would not enter into the equation. Cain would have married one of his sisters and so on with the rest of that family. If they were created, then they were created with the right conditions to accomplish that.
I gave a reason why people do believe it, and you said it was nonsense, but did not produce anything to back up your statement.

That's because it's impossible to prove a negative. Equally, no-one can prove the Flying Spaghetti Monster doesn't exist, but that lack of negative evidence is no reason to say that the FSM actually does exist.

Are you suggesting that anything written in a book is suspect?

No, I'm suggesting that what is written in the bible is suspect.

Whether I believe these things or not is not at issue here.
I gave a reason why people do believe it, and you said it was nonsense, but did not produce anything to back up your statement.

All you have done is insult people who do believe it, calling them 'childish', "potty" etc, and saying that their only evidence is an old book. Are you suggesting that anything written in a book is suspect? Of course there is a lot to be learnt from ancient writings, whether in book form or inscriptions on monuments. Or would you burn all books? (An equally preposterous suggestion.)

Nando: If, and it may well be a big if, one accepts special creation, then it would make sense that the one who created Adam and Eve with the intention of populating the planet would do so with the genetic capability to do so. So, incest would not enter into the equation. Cain would have married one of his sisters and so on with the rest of that family. If they were created, then they were created with the right conditions to accomplish that.

i was born in spain under a very strick catholic way of life "jesuits" school, yes in my eyes as a chid god was always in my heart soul and matter, how ever the way that the church out classed those who asked simple questions they were cast as sinners, no answers to give, merely punishment and braanded bassfimas, i respect peoples signs, idols, "religions" but i do not impose my beliefs onto no one, my wife origianelly comes from the punjab, my kids chose to be hindu, but they still respect my belief and i respect theirs, regards,
please do not insult our dear green friends, they are innocent, poor things if they watching this thred they must be having a budweiser party
i respect peoples signs, idols, "religions" but i do not impose my beliefs onto no one, my wife origianelly comes from the punjab, my kids chose to be hindu, but they still respect my belief and i respect theirs, regards,

Which is exactly how it should be of course.

I wonder if an internet forum thread has ever convinced anyone of the existence, or otherwise, of a God or gods?
pass, there are so many that there is no room to have one, it will probly crash the system in ten seconds,
"please do not insult our dear green friends"

They really do need to learn to fly their spacecraft though...!!!
Bub got a copy of "The God Delusion" for Christmas I think

A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing!

Bub I suggest you augment your studies of memes and genes with some basic work on evoluationary stable strategies, basic psychology and game theory to understand why it is that religion florishes. Its nothing to do with intelligence and you are just as pray to that way of thinking as any non-atheist. For "talking snakes" substitute "ninja lp12" and you will see what I mean ;)
Just had Eva Cassidy songbird cd playing away in the background, rather lovely, i read that she wasn't part of any organized religion but had belief in God...that certainly shined through in her song choice's/lyrics, that belief/bliss that she passed to the listener being (imho) deeply influenced by her faith that added the touch of special that perhaps wouldn't have been reached if her feet relied to heavily on the ground beneath, or if say - she would have caught the atheist bus, but hey - they can still enjoy her music even if they don't recognize the the driving force... :)

"please do not insult our dear green friends"

They really do need to learn to fly their spacecraft though...!!!

they were learners, i think that maybe they should have gone to spacesavers.
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