All aboard the atheist bus?

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The visible start (BIG BANG) just happened and everything that followed was a set of random circumstances. Lot of coincidence there...

If you ever watched the Derren Brown 'experiment' with the horse racing 'system' goes to show how from the point of view of a subjective observer (ie one of the guinea pigs) that a series of random events can appear to happen by design.
Bubby boy I have spent the last 15 years developing successful modelling systems based on neural networks, genetic algorithms and programming, game theory, evolutionary problem solving and strategies etc. My understanding of evolution goes way beyond the few hours you have spent reading and misinterpreting a single popular science book. Dont be a wally. You have no idea what you are talking about as usual. Armchair experts like your self are two a penny.

I have just ordered a copy of "Proctology for dummies" from Amazon - within a few hours of it arriving and being read I should be more higher qualified for your consultancy position than you are ;)
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Bubby boy I have spent the last 15 years developing successful modelling systems based on neural networks, genetic algorithms and programming, game theory, evolutionary problem solving and strategies etc. My understanding of evolution goes way beyond the few hours you have spent reading and misinterpreting a single popular science book. Dont be a wally. You have no idea what you are talking about as usual. Armchair experts like your self are two a penny.

I have just ordered a copy of "Proctology for dummies" from Amazon - within a few hours of it arriving and being read I should be more higher qualified for your consultancy position than you are ;)

I think this post reveals an awful lot about you and the way you think.
My stance on religion is that, in general, it causes a lot of harm, and very little good.

I agree with most of what you're saying in this and similar threads and I'd also agree that religion has contributed to much misery. However, and this is from the standpoint of agnostic atheist, I don't agree that religion causes very little good. From what I have seen at the individual level it does seem to bring joy and/or hope to many people of many faiths. If I'm honest with myself, I'm envious of that to some degree.
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Yes it reveals that I consider you to be a nincompoop.

Atheists in general are just as fallible and liable to cause harm as non-atheists. They just use different excuses.
Yes it reveals that I consider you to be a nincompoop.

Well, actually it reveals much more than that. You are by far the most arrogant individual I've ever encountered online. I don't mind too much what you think about me, because you know so little. But if you ever get the time to do a little reading about evolution, you will come to regret your ill-informed remarks about it in this thread.
But if you ever get the time to do a little reading about evolution

As I stated before I have spent the whole of my research career working in this and related areas - it isnt arrogance its fact. I would never presume to lecture you about proctology. If you ask me reading a single popular science book and getting it half misunderstood and then assuming you know more than someone who is an expert in this field seems more like arrogance to me. As is saying that people that are atheists (yourself at the top of the list) have higher IQs than those that are religious. The evidence suggests that people in the middle are less religious but people outside the central part of the distribution at both sides tend to be more religous. This effect is very slight if it exists. All of the negative aspects of certain types of religious thinking are exhibited by yourself in some other respect so you are not in a position of superiority.
My disbelief in a God came about through a life threatening situation I once found myself in. At a young age I had a very serious motorcycle accident which resulted in me nearly saying goodbye to this World but instead I survived and became a non believer in anything Godly. One person at the time of this event explained to me that I had been saved because it was not my time and that God had not intended for me to die and had therefore saved me. A few years and some thought later, I realised that the only thing that had saved me was my instinct for survival which I almost certainly inherited from my parents and not from a 'God'.

Let me take this one step further... War, death and destruction, rape, murder, butchery, unprecendented killing for the sake of power, savagery, decapitation... all of these things happily exist because God condones them. That makes him some bloody God.
Or... on the basis of this life, I'd hate to see what hell is supposed to be like.

You wouldn't know. Hell is the grave. You wouldn't be conscious of anything. Non-existence. Exactly as you were before you were born.
As I stated before I have spent the whole of my research career working in this and related areas - it isnt arrogance its fact. I would never presume to lecture you about proctology. [etc]

What can I say? So much for your career!

P.S. I am not a proctologist - yet another factual error on your part. But reading a book on it "for dummies" would be an appropriate thing for you to do.
My career is very fine thanks bub - my systems have been a great success.

You might doll the name up a bit and give yourself fancy airs and graces but at the end of the day you look up bottoms for a living.

You are an oaf that doesnt realise their state of oafishness and ignorance. I wouldnt be at all surprised if you drove a BMW.
You might doll the name up a bit and give yourself fancy airs and graces but at the end of the day you look up bottoms for a living.

You are an oaf that doesnt realise their state of oafishness and ignorance. I wouldnt be at all surprised if you drove a BMW.

You know best yet again! If you must know, my speciality is liver disease.

I think your posts constitute clear AUP breach, not least for mentioning BMW. Whenever someone starts typing insults & generally losing the plot, this is a clear sign that they have lost the argument.
Thank God!!!!!!!

And you sir, are a very mischievous little pixie.....

I think you should say.

"Thank a succession of improbable, but nevertheless ocurring, events and / or some supreme being who may, or may not be resposnible for initiating or affecting these events. " :D
Fraid not bubby - you have no idea what you are talking about - you just latched onto something you read without really understanding it. Now you are waving it about like a kid with a new toy. How many times have we heard this nonsense before from you?
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