Bob McC
living the life of Riley
Back to the level of 12 year olds now. It always ends there. Just an observation.
The visible start (BIG BANG) just happened and everything that followed was a set of random circumstances. Lot of coincidence there...
Bubby boy I have spent the last 15 years developing successful modelling systems based on neural networks, genetic algorithms and programming, game theory, evolutionary problem solving and strategies etc. My understanding of evolution goes way beyond the few hours you have spent reading and misinterpreting a single popular science book. Dont be a wally. You have no idea what you are talking about as usual. Armchair experts like your self are two a penny.
I have just ordered a copy of "Proctology for dummies" from Amazon - within a few hours of it arriving and being read I should be more higher qualified for your consultancy position than you are![]()
My stance on religion is that, in general, it causes a lot of harm, and very little good.
Yes it reveals that I consider you to be a nincompoop.
But if you ever get the time to do a little reading about evolution
Or... on the basis of this life, I'd hate to see what hell is supposed to be like.
As I stated before I have spent the whole of my research career working in this and related areas - it isnt arrogance its fact. I would never presume to lecture you about proctology. [etc]
You might doll the name up a bit and give yourself fancy airs and graces but at the end of the day you look up bottoms for a living.
You are an oaf that doesnt realise their state of oafishness and ignorance. I wouldnt be at all surprised if you drove a BMW.
Thank God!!!!!!!