"Species" is an artificial conception of something that is quite a bit more convoluted than it might appear. One has to think of a "gene space" for it to really make sense. Speciation takes time and geographical or sexual separation of sub groups that can initially interbreed so that they are kept apart in breeding terms until it is no longer viable to produce cross breeds. Thus the creation of a new species is a somewhat fuzzy and indefinite process.
Evolution is not directed rationally. Human induced selection is so its slightly different. Humans have never succeeded at creating two separate species from one.
It is worth noting that there may be no single common ancestor cell - particularly in realms where horizontal gene transfer occurs such as viruses, bacteria and archea.
Evolution is not directed rationally. Human induced selection is so its slightly different. Humans have never succeeded at creating two separate species from one.
It is worth noting that there may be no single common ancestor cell - particularly in realms where horizontal gene transfer occurs such as viruses, bacteria and archea.