mick parry
stroppy old git
Robbo will be visiting me at some later date.
Robbo will be visiting me at some later date.
Originally posted by merlin
I just want some sense of balance. Afterall, if the rest of the world chooses to buy an alternative, then maybe, just maybe, there is other products out there worth listening to.
Originally posted by julian2002
americans are megalomaniacs so if they are offered one amp that gives them a killowatt of shoddy sound over 70 watts of good sound then 99% of them will take the killowatt no matter how it sounds.
most of the negative comments about naims flagship amps in this thread have been about its 'limp writsed' power output. i would have thought that those here could have risen above judging an amp purely on it's power output however it seems not.
by the way you mention that they have a considerable marketing spend in the U.S. perhaps you'd like to share what that is? as i've never seen even 1 US advert for naim in stereopile.
Except for me. I found it a bit uninspiring. I know the UK importers very well and they have offered tempting deals on a couple of occasions, but to my ears offerings like the Naim, DNM and similar amps offer a more musical perspective without getting too worried about detail. The Moon Eclipse was a decent £2000 player, priced at £5500. They offered me the chance to buy it for £3000 and I passed*. My opinion and nothing more.Quality kit, no better or worse than a number of competitors, but all those who have heard it seem to like it.
Why not seeing as every mention of them on PF by Robbo was greeted with the usual distain. Quality kit, no better or worse than a number of competitors, but all those who have heard it seem to like it.
Originally posted by julian2002
there is an apocryphal story about the first use of a turbo charger in an nhra race. it goes that the guy with a small capacity turbo engine was laughed at by those running large capacity monsters up until the point that the turbo car handed them their ass (or arse if you're british) such was the bitching and moaning by the 'ain;t no substitute for cubes' brigade that even though there was no official rule to ban the turbo car one was made up on the spot and the turbo car was banned.
So far so good but then we get on to speakers ââ'¬â€œ I'm not sure there are any/many reasons why people with Naim electronics should consider Naim speakers over any other makes and yet, more often than not, this is the strong recommendation over on the Naim forums (certainly from what I've seen). Okay, I'm sure their speakers are very nice and should be auditioned, but there are loads of alternatives that should be checked out.
What I do find really odd though is when the subject moves on to subwoofers. They are a dirty word to a number of people over there but there are a surprising number of them are interested in exploring what a sub could do for their systems.
Originally posted by julian2002
I was actually referring to the american drag racing series (i think it's the nhra - but i could be mistaken) not cart. also not so off topic as the 'little' nap 500 was being put down due to it's aparent lack of 'cubes' probably without those doing the putting having experienced it.
Originally posted by sideshowbob
I've never heard a Naim speaker that didn't sound dreadful to me
Originally posted by sideshowbob
I think Naim are planning to release their own sub, so maybe some of the anti-sub brigade will have an epiphany. In any event, I'm still not convinced any of this matters. If other people don't like subs, even if they have no good reason for their opinion, so what?
-- Ian (who mostly doesn't like subs, as it happens)