Another pointless Mana debate

Yes James, it is, in a round about kind of way.

yes I know psu's do make a difference, naim don't use different psu topologies, apart from like said the regulators in the powers(be VERY interesting to hear the power with and without the regulator to hear the difference),
the preamp psus just use bigger transformers, capacitors, and more regulators for more parts in the preamp, all the same topologies and earthing arrangements. Effectively you have the same pre with bigger transformers.
take a listen to the 180 vs the 250 - effectively the 180 is a 250 without the regulation.
the other thing which you may or may not take on board is component matching. naim reputedly select components and grade components bought in bulk themselves of course this is pooh poohed by certain members of the establishment - one of whom you are praising in another thread - hmm i wonder.... ;)

i assure you i'm not pooh poohing his pooh pooh. i've seen whole forums morale totally destroyed by pooh-pooh.

Matt@Nearfield said:
Certainly does, the range of human hearing (average, not talking about these young 18yrs who can hear silly ranges) is 10 octaves - 20hz to 20khz. the halving or doubling of time (or freq) is an octave.

That may explain why i heard such a huge difference between the Black Rhodium Oratorio's and VdH D102 mkIII :D It was notably the very high freaquencies where i heard more openess and expressiveness.

PBirkett said:
Most people (including 18 year olds) can not usually hear frequencies as high as 20 KHz.

Have you been brainwashed by CJ and adb by any chance?

There is of course the theory that we may perceive those frequencies above those which we can hear, ie if they are not there then subtle important information is lost. : Discuss :D :duck:
Got it free with a Liberace CD, very fetching, only problem now is I'mm gonna have to buy his "Greatest hits B Sides" to get the matching necklace, and earings, then you send in a pic of you wearing in public, they send you a free toy poodle, died pink.
no matter how much banal banter we come up with we;re never going to beat the 'rel quake' monster thread that was staked throug hthe heart a few months ago. perhaps we should now let this one wither gracefully so we can start all new arguments about bits of metal and electricity in other threads.

analoguekid said:
Have you been brainwashed by CJ and adb by any chance?

No, I've tried to hear frequencies that high myself (years ago mind) in a lab, and I could not hear more than 16 KHz at the time (this when I was 18).

A few of the dogs in our class could hear slightly higher frequencies though :D

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