Another pointless Mana debate

, the toilet went crazy Yesterday afternoon
The plumber he says "Never flush a lampoon!"
This great information Cost me half a week's pay
And the toilet blew up Later on the next day
I always thought Zappa sang "tampon"
So its the AK & Sticky show on Z/G now eh?, don't miss the next exciting episode of "Help mum, were have you hidden me angle iron?", thrill to the delights oh 'Oi perkerhead, don't diss me large agressive sea faring blubber testosterone mountain", to such comedy classics as "Shit me spirit level been tampered with!" Yes viewers, all the fun of a kindergarden in one wholesome thread, Don't miss out, book your seat for a roller coaster ride of emotiomal termoil, mild amusement & bursied ego's and more ****** than you can shake a very large pineapple at.
Sod Family affairs Z/G is where its at!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! prepare to be dazzled Folks the murth circus is in town. Bookings for parties/barmitzifiers/weddings and Furneral wakes all cater for (special dispensation for OAP's) We aim to please
Hey I've just realisd thats me over the thousand posts, :respect:

But if I'm being honest about prolly only about 1% of them have been useful.

:band: :elephant: :boogie:

:PRaT: :mo: :techno:
WM whilst reeding throg ytou're pists, ahtgough vari amousing at timse, I catn hlep htnking thta Ihve sonwoh develpoed dislixia.

Translation for the rest of you.

Wm, whilst reading through your posts, although very amusing at times, I can't help thinking that I have somehow developed dyslexia

You just feeling the effects of the little green eye'd monster Ak, it quite alright, dribbling down your shorts after having a pee pee is quite normal for a 5 year old, now run along back to the playground, there's a good bling-meister (is that right now Markus?) and try not to upset the other tweenies on the way.
That's a bit harsh there fellow.

Besides bubs not a tweenie.


Don't want to upset anybody so edited that last bit.
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