Another pointless Mana debate

The Devil said:
I don't need any help, Merlin. It's unfortunate that you are so far away. If you came over for a listen, I'm sure that you would understand what we are talking about.

FWIW, I've done a room sweep with a test tone CD that was left here one time. All seemed benign.

Sure James - just if you ever want to make improvements give me a shout. The test sweep will do little for the RT 60 sadly - nor really identify you problem frequencies accurately.

Glasgow really is a long way for me - especially as you yourself say it isnt really all that special. I'd hate to make the trip and be underwhelmed.
No problem at all Merlin. It's rubbish really, and I'd hate you to make the trip, too.

What relevance to a 30' x 20' x 13' room does this RT 60 measurement have?
I just read your first post, James, you said nothing about mana in it.

The weird thing is about hifi, you can say one is better than another, yet I can still listen with other kit and enjoy things.

There seems to be this pervasive attitude that you have to upgrade, one is better than another, and spending more will make your ears happy. And only if you find nirvana will you ever be happy.

I have a nice small pair of proacs ATM, and whilst not the scale of atc's, they still make great music.

There is nothing in the audio world that is perfect, its just all different.

BTW, the naim 52 preamp is the same as all naim preamps in its gain stages, ie all naim pres are the same in essence.
like a bmw 520, is still a 520 if it has every conceivible option.same car.
I have a naim nait 3, and its got the same blinkin pre amp and power amp as any naim amp. a naim is a naim by any other name :D

I pity these types who get tons of naim bits, spending all their cash. still gives the naim sound.
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Lt Cdr Data said:
I just read your first post, James, you said nothing about mana in it.
Tell me about it!

A BMW 520 is a BMW 520, can't argue with that. But it's not an M5.

Industry insiders, if competitors, may have something to gain by spreading rumours. I'd be genuinely surprised if Naim were doing badly; I wish them well because they make some stunning products.
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the person isn't really a competitor and has nothing to gain by spreading such like.

that's my point, its irrelevant on the model, if it has the same engine inside, gearbox. you just get accessories. same with naim preamps, they ARE all the very same, and have been for 20 years. The amount of ill opinions in this area and suscpetability to marketing bollux is frankly astounding. sucker born every minute.
LCD, please don't post unsubstantiated rumours about a company's financial well being. They can be extremely damaging and cause for legal action against the forum (and the poster).

Your comments have been edited out and ReJoyce's post quoting them has been deleted as it was no longer relevant.

ok Michael,will do, or will not...apologies. :)

James, believe it or not, yes. the amplification circuit is the same in all.

That's one reason I admire the japs so much, (having a smatting of electronics knowledge, I have a rough idea looking over some of the desgins) they keep on bringing out stuff, and its all different, and reliable, they are SO clever.
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you may be correct however looking inside my old nait5 and my current nac 82 there are lots of differences.
as for power amps yes the basic amp circuit is the same in each however the quality / size of the psu's are different and from the 250 on the psu is regulated too.
they may be expensive for what you get materially but quality, kudos and sound are all in the bargain area for what you get imho.

AFAIK all Naim preamps from the 12 to the 52 have similar circuit blocks (the filter changed from the NAC72 on). But the circuitry is far from all there is to any product. It's extremely naive to believe that.


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