a good read
Hi everyone , long time no speak
I,ve been without a computer for the last 5 months after mine decided to go into meltdown
I hope nobody minds me dragging this back into the limelight (I expect there,ll be a few groans ), but it was a good read and there were some really good responses from both camps .
I lost count of the number of times I changed sides
There were a few things I couldn,t help noticing though
The dreaded DBT
Now correct me if I,m wrong , but I have always been under the impression that the whole point of DBT,ing was that it proves that there is no difference in sound between kit and ancillaries.Ie , between Cdp,s and Cdp,s or amps and amps(even between tubes and solid state)etc , etc .
As an example isn,t there still the famous and ongoing challenge to spot the difference between your amp and another for a huge cash prize?
Now my point
Some of the biggest proponents of DBT,ing have said in this thread that they buy their kit through this process and have said that they can hear differences between different kit .
Are their tests corrupted ?
Now I know that all this hinges on my assumption that the whole point of DBT is that it proves that all kit sounds the same , so some clarification would be appreciated .
My other point is that a few of the DBT naysayers were challenged to conduct some DBT,s (on a number of occassions)to prove their "Golden lugholes" .
At least three accepted the challenge with the proviso that a DBT,er be present .
The Dbt,ers havn,t stepped forward , yet the other guys are still called chicken

Go figure .
So . I reckon a bit of clarification is needed here as well
On the whole though , it was a good read and I was impressed that the thread didn,t degenerate into the gutter .
Most laughs were supplied by Cookie monster but I,ve got a question for ya Cookie .
What,s that piece of crap in your signature? You really should get yourself some seperates mate
Nice to be back , bit please be gentle with me .
PS , good to see lots of new faces have appeared over the last few months or so