Anyone heard the GBP7000 NAIM CD Player?

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by JohnMak, Jan 22, 2004.

  1. JohnMak

    kermit still dreaming.......

    Jun 19, 2003
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    closer than you think
    Thanks for the welcome back Andy and Sideshow .
    Also thanks for clearing up my misunderstanding Sideshow .
    A little knowledge , it seems , is a dangerous thing . (or in my case a complete lack of knowledge )
    Like i said earlier , I shifted position on the fence a number of occasions .
    I wish I,d read a few more threads before I posted now . Just read the thread about Myths , so it seems there was a bit of a blind test done after this thread , or have I got it wrong again:eek:

    Ps , Andy , sorry to see your having trouble with your system appreciation . I think it happens to us all at some point .
    A quick question though ,
    Did you ever sort your mains out and if so , what did you do ?
    kermit, Mar 6, 2004
  2. JohnMak

    penance Arrogant Cock

    Jun 30, 2003
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    Bristol - armpit of the west.
    I got as far as some aftermarket cables and stopped.
    Due to wanting to move soonish i decided not to spend money on the house wiring. Never did get an Iso Tx, keep thinking i should tho......
    penance, Mar 6, 2004
  3. JohnMak

    kermit still dreaming.......

    Jun 19, 2003
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    I moved to a new flat about 5 mnths ago (plugging the computer back in after the move is when it died).
    before I moved ,I boxed up my kit and took it to my brothers .
    Just to be on the safe side :rolleyes:
    I had been without my kit for about 6 weeks (no rush to get it back , plenty of things to do , blah , blah blah )when my brother asked me if I would house sit for a week .
    I said ok and thought whilst I was up there , I,d build the system back up and have a blast (nice big room , so potential for great time)especially as I wasn,t ready to have my system back at the new flat ( crap acoustics , lots of work needing doing ).
    I got up to my brothers a couple of weeks later and stuck the system back togther .
    I then gave it a few hours to warm up and it sounded.....crap .
    gave it a day , still crap . Gave it the week and at the end still crap .
    The only variables really are the room and the leccy .
    As far as the room is concerned I,d have bet money on it sounding better than the small room I,d been using .
    I was using all my isolation trannies and my filters .
    My money is on the fact I didn,t have a seperate ring for the Hi fi .
    I,m not even bothering to get the system back untill i do the mains , that,s how strongly i feel about it .
    I know I can get a good sound out of my system , after all I,ve heard it at my old flat .
    I,m just wondering if this is where your problems lie .
    Just a thought :rolleyes:
    kermit, Mar 6, 2004
  4. JohnMak

    penance Arrogant Cock

    Jun 30, 2003
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    Bristol - armpit of the west.
    you may be right, i could do with trying it before comitting.
    At least i can wire in my own ring so no extra expense there
    penance, Mar 6, 2004
  5. JohnMak

    wadia-miester Mighty Rearranger

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Beyond the 4th Dimension
    Hi Richard, nice to see you back mate :) , mains you could be right, however I have no seperate spur at home :eek: (on purpuse). Rooms biggest audio terror next to dbt ;)
    wadia-miester, Mar 6, 2004
  6. JohnMak

    bottleneck talks a load of rubbish

    Jun 19, 2003
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    penance, I personally believe a few more experienced ears over at yours would give you more insight with a 2nd opinion..... theres a few at ZG who live in your neck of the woods...or maybe a dealer might give you a verdict?

    Im also gambling that its something more fundamental than mains...
    bottleneck, Mar 6, 2004
  7. JohnMak

    penance Arrogant Cock

    Jun 30, 2003
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    Bristol - armpit of the west.
    well, people are welcome to visit, theres always a spare tinny or bottle;)
    just dont comment on the house!

    My dealer was locked up last week:MILD: :D
    seriously, no dealer in Bristol seems that friendly:rolleyes:

    yep, its fundamentaly flawed:D
    penance, Mar 6, 2004
  8. JohnMak

    kermit still dreaming.......

    Jun 19, 2003
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    closer than you think
    Hi WM , how you keeping mate , looks like the buisiness is doing well . Good luck to both you and Timpy .

    I,m sure we,ve been over this ground before , but I,ve got this really sneaking feeling that the higher end kit , has been better designed to combat spurious mains . I really believe that it,s the middle section of the market that reaps the biggest rewards with seperate mains (I know theres a lot of FEer,s that think the same even with their more expensive gear as well)

    But , this is old ground and I don,t want to mention it again , just in case I start sounding repetitive:eek:
    anyone want to talk about homemade air plats ? :D :D

    the 500 mark is getting closer , just needs a few more of you guys to chip in ;)
    kermit, Mar 7, 2004
  9. JohnMak


    Jun 19, 2003
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    Devon, UK
    Hi Richard!

    Must admit, it's a bit of pleasant surprise to see you back again. :eek: Thought you'd given up on hi-fi forums for good. ;) Afterall, last time we spoke you said you were very happy with your system. :) Shame the house move has set you back a bit though. :(

    I'm sure the new members who have joined since you were last around who won't have heard you going on about mains and isolation before, it'll be interesting reading for them. A few things have come and gone in my system since we last spoke but I'm still pursuing the mains thing. That reminds me, better update my post in My Kit as it's a bit out of date now... :D
    HenryT, Mar 7, 2004
  10. JohnMak

    wadia-miester Mighty Rearranger

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Beyond the 4th Dimension
    Richard, from both Timpy & myself thanks :) seems like Bristol has allowed people to hear what were all about, very positive responces.
    Mains, I'm pretty concinvced as you are of indivdualy isolated supplies, we've built a room specificaly with 3 spurs, one totally isolated trick MCD/cable sockets/ on just using stock sockets & totally isolated a and just a good quality cables but from a shared consumer unit with isolation transformers
    Very interesing results, however I personally use totally passive isolation (all isolation transformers have gone), next to totally balanced power, it has yielded some surprising results.
    Good to see you back mate :) T.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 7, 2004
    wadia-miester, Mar 7, 2004
  11. JohnMak

    kermit still dreaming.......

    Jun 19, 2003
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    closer than you think
    Henry said ,
    Hi Henry , I hope your keeping well .
    Seems your system has seen a few changes .
    Am I right in assuming that the MJA,s have gone ?
    Got to be honest , I thought they would be out out of their league with the rest of your system when you originally bought them .
    That,s assuming that you did get rid of them of course . If your still using them then I,ll say"excellant bit of kit , can,t fault them";)

    WM said ,

    Good to see things are working for ya WM . I know I,ve said this before , but I still think that there are many ways to skin a cat and I really don,t think there are any absolutes or "one ways" in this hobby of ours .
    I still think it,s a case of "if it works for you it,s right " and if someone else can find pleasure doing it a completely different way then they,re right as well .:)

    WM , also said ,
    Very interesting WM . What are you using now then , can you expand?
    kermit, Mar 7, 2004
  12. JohnMak

    penance Arrogant Cock

    Jun 30, 2003
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    Bristol - armpit of the west.
    yep Richard, i think we did talk about this last year.
    I should of got off my backside and sorted it then:rolleyes:
    penance, Mar 7, 2004
  13. JohnMak

    kermit still dreaming.......

    Jun 19, 2003
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    closer than you think
    Hi Andy ,
    So you didn,t do the mains . Did you get the big isolation tranny you were talking about ?

    All I can say is that it will be a gamble . I can,t fortell whether it would work for you or not .
    But , you are an electrician so to put in just a ring (or spurs) is not going to cost you much and of course you can buy the parts bit by bit and take your time doing it .
    And of course you can always take all the parts with you when you move .Which is what I did , especially after all the knowledgeable guys pointed out that mine wasn,t particuarly safe/legal .
    This is one of the reasons (there are a few:rolleyes: )that I havn,t actually put a ring in the new place . I,m having to wait till I have spare funds to pay for a qualified electrician to do the work for me .

    I hope this is of help to you and good luck with it all:)
    kermit, Mar 7, 2004
  14. JohnMak

    wadia-miester Mighty Rearranger

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Beyond the 4th Dimension

    Took a while to finally suss what/how produced the most consistantly good results, in varing different enviorments.
    The only 'Style of Iso -Tranny' I would personaly use now is Either BPT (120v only) or Equitech, both of these companies use a patented 'Balanced power' technologly commerically since 96' pretty '***insert RG stryle comment here**** too.
    Think along the lines of Hydra, this style of mains scrubbing has given us the most consistant results we tried so far.
    If you wish to see what make/model we're running then check out my kit. cheers T.
    wadia-miester, Mar 7, 2004
  15. JohnMak

    kermit still dreaming.......

    Jun 19, 2003
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    closer than you think
    I checked out your kit a few days ago to see what you and a few of the guys were using now .
    And yours just threw me:rolleyes:
    I saw you were using some of your own products for your mains and so went to the OA website just to see how far the company had expanded .
    But, I couldn,t see anything being advertised except your original three leads .
    Now I,m just a simple guy and so I was utterly confused and thought I,d just wait for the oppurtunity to ask you .;)
    So , I guess your using the same sort of technology as Shuntaya cables . I know I,ve probably spealt it wrong but I can,t be arsed to search for the proper spelling:eek:
    If I,m right in my assumption then I,ll take a trip to their web site and do some reading , and while I,m there I,ll learn to spell the name properly :)
    But , I,ll wait for your reply in case I,m barking up the wrong tree . (note , not the first time )
    kermit, Mar 7, 2004
  16. JohnMak

    wadia-miester Mighty Rearranger

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Beyond the 4th Dimension
    Richard, you won't have to wait much longer, Tues/Wednes you should be check out the new site, we just been too busy we orders and the US, however It's a full revamp and the full range in pictures, plus a reviews sections, we've just been awarded 5 globes by hifi world this month too. (page 71)
    Plus a a few new sections ;)
    The technology involved is simlar but different with some fairly interesting ideas put into practice, thats all I go into for now.
    Have you moved locally ?, bigger/smaller? odd sized room? T.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 9, 2004
    wadia-miester, Mar 7, 2004
  17. JohnMak


    Jun 19, 2003
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    Devon, UK
    Hi Richard,

    Yep, the MJA's (both of them) have come, stayed and been sent packing off to good homes all within the space of well less than 12 months. TBH, I didn't really think they were out of their depth in my system, they were doing a surprising job for the money I thought. I'd not hesistate recommending them to anyone looking for a sub in that price bracket, they are very good value for money IMO.

    I'm currently on a bit of a combined (financial) downsizing and box reduction crusade with my system. The 3 box CD player is going to be giving way to a one-box (or two box) player soon. Amplificatoin has already gone one box. And the subs went in the end because ultimately I couldn't get them to integrate with the main speakers as well as I would have liked, but also luckily I've found some other ways of getting some decent bass out of the exisiting speakers (still currently work in progress though, but it's getting there ;) ). The room wasn't as much of an issue as I'd thought, it was more of a case of the drive units on the speakers needing to be better controlled.
    HenryT, Mar 7, 2004
  18. JohnMak

    timpy Snake Oil free!!!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Hi kermit, good to see you back.

    The advantage that WM and I have wrt to the Omiga products is that we get to run the prototypes etc.

    The website is currently out of date, but is being addressed in the next couple of weeks. I know this as I've had to pick up some of the other parent company jobs to free up the appropriate resource so that he can to do it for OA!!

    We'd let WM do it, but we've found it works better if the site appears in English. ;) :D (I just know he'll appreciate me saying that, I'll expect a knock on the door later.....) :D

    timpy, Mar 8, 2004
  19. JohnMak

    kermit still dreaming.......

    Jun 19, 2003
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    closer than you think
    Hi Guy,s ,
    Thanks for the replies .

    WM and Timpy ,
    I,m impressed , it seems you,ve gone far in such a short period in time .
    I look forward to the new site , It,ll be interesting to see the new products .

    Timpy said ,
    Out of interest , did you keep your trials in house or did you get some of the guy,s from the forum to try out some of the new kit as well ?

    Yes , I can see the advantage in this approach :D

    Henry said ,

    The first think that came into my mind was a bit of shock here .
    In that you you have originally made such a huge investment to reach where you are with your system and whilst you,ll come out with some spare cash in the end you,ll not have the estoric hifi that you have spent so long building .

    But , after that initial reaction , I guess , your trying to say that you,ll have better sound without having all your money tied up .
    Who says that Hifi hasn,t/ doesn,t improve with time and technology ?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 8, 2004
    kermit, Mar 8, 2004
  20. JohnMak

    kermit still dreaming.......

    Jun 19, 2003
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    closer than you think
    Wm said ,
    Looks like I,ll have to buy my first mag in over a year then .Or maybe I,ll just sneek a peek in the newsagents

    The new place is smaller and made completely out of concrete .
    ceilings , walls floors , even the skirting:eek:
    the rooms are near cubes
    the place rings like a bell
    but , the rent is half that of the old place .
    And I actually have a landlord who fixes things when they go wrong .
    I figure , I can work on the Hi fi . And lets face it even if I can,t get good sounds here I can always look into the joy of headphones:D
    kermit, Mar 8, 2004
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