Uncle Ants
In Recordeo Speramus
Originally posted by Saab
who asked that?
so everything bought using the web,advice and all................and of course it could have been an almighty mess,but instead I got a 4k system for £1400,and luckily (my italics - Uncle Ants) the system suits my musical tastes,perfectly so (the advice i was given suggested this when i stipulated what my tastes and listening volumes are,as did the reviews)
am I mad,mental,insane? insert your own adjective,but whatever,i am very happy with what i ended up with,and I didnt go near a dealer.
It were me

Neither mad, mental nor insane, but by your own telling of it - lucky.

I bought my current deck secondhand off ebay and also took a risk getting a secondhand cartridge from the same place - we're talking fairly low sums of money though and luckily it came off. I've been highly delighted with it - it suits me, but it needn't have had such a happy ending. Like you said, it could have been an almighty mess but luckily it wasn't

So I've bought stuff unheard on the net myself but it'd sure make me uncomfy taking the risk spending (what is for me) largish sums of cash on new stuff unheard on the basis of recommendation - secondhand gear of course ain't so risky as the chance of losing a wad in depreciation isn't so high ... but new stuff ...... ??
In a couple of months time I'm planning to take my vinyl front end up a notch and will be spending quite likely the best part of £600 on a new deck possibly more - do I want to spend that kind of money on something without hearing it first and run the risk of a disappointment if I don't like the character of the new deck? Not really, no.
PS. Not wanting to contradict myself (though I'm about to), but I'm gonna be auditioning some decks soon and if none of them rock my boat I have been intrigued by the Bix deck I posted about the other day (which none of you so and sos have even deigned to comment on