OK Tenson you might have a point. I promise to put the soldering iron away for a bit.
In the meantime here are some details of further mods which I have already made to the player but never got around to posting:
I have also fitted a dedicated power supply for the SNOS board.
The NET audio SNOS board contains a better quality (low jitter) clock. This replaces the standard clock crystal which is removed when fitting the SNOS conversion.
The benefits of fitting a dedicated clock power supply separate from the noisy circuitry inside a player seems to be well documented so I thought it was worth a try.
I debated building my own clock PSU for a while and even considered one of the cheap ready made regulated PSU modules which can be found advertised on ebay (they usually come from Hong Kong or China).
In the end I decided to splash the cash on one of the ready made regulated clock PSU modules sold by NET Audio. They had given me great service before so it felt right to put some more business their way.
I understood that the wires leading from the PSU to the clock should be kept as short as possible so the best location for the PSU module seemed to be on the casework behind the LCD display. I removed this panel and drilled holes for some small plastic 'standoff' feet which I sourced from Maplin.
The AC power was tapped from near the IEC plug inlet where conveniently the board has two empty hole in the PCB next to C401 and C402 (the blue discs). I soldered in some PCB pins into these holes and connected everything up from there.
For the wiring I used some modestly priced silver plated copper wire with Teflon insulation and I connected up the optional ground for the PSU to the case using a nut, bolt and split washer. The AC carrying wires were fixed to the case with some self adhesive cable clips.
The -ive lead of the PSU power out goes to what would have been pin 13 of the SAA7220P/B chip and the +ive goes to the power pin of the SNOS board.
upload foto
windows 7 screen shot
Fitting the clock PSU made an immediately noticeable improvement. It's hard to describe the differences but essentially the player just sounded clearer.
This was certainly not one of those upgrades where careful hours of listening is needed to establish whether any benefit has been gained. It just sounded obviously better straight away.