Argos Solid Granite Iso Platforms!!!

fox said:
I have a bloody great slab of black and white marble -- its tabletop sized 50" x 33" x 2" weighs an absolute ton (I cannot lift it and can only just push it upright enough to "walk" it and believe me I can lift weights) -- came with the cottage -- about the only useful thing the bloody hippies left behind (probably they couldn't move it -- they even took the lightbulbs -- the *****) so if anyone wants it off me they can buy it off of me.

Collects from a backward corner of Dumfriesshire...

Might be able to afford some lightbulbs...

That's funny. It's been a while since a post made me laugh. :)
Well, my DAC is now sitting on the argos granite, as the larger piece it was on is now required for the television. Doesn't sound any different as far as I can tell...

as with all implementations like this it takes a while for the differences to become really apparent .for my system there seems to be an improvement ,certainly in timing and the seperation is far more noticeable.
however im not saying it will do wonders but my gut feeling is that these offer similar performance to products based on the same theory costing far me it is £12.99 x 4 well spent.!!!!

as for getting them argos seemed to have sold out my friend tried to get four but best he could find was one at a store in canterbury though there still showing available online.
Wow. That was fast. Wonder how much it is due to chat forums. It anyone could hear an audible improvement I would be more impress.

ON those low cost argos slabs :cool:
Isaac Sibson said:
Well, my DAC is now sitting on the argos granite, as the larger piece it was on is now required for the television. Doesn't sound any different as far as I can tell...
This is the problem when people buy stuff from places like Argos and then use it with hi-fi.

If Russ Andrews was selling it, he would have convinced you that it sounds better even before you try it.

It makes all the difference :rolleyes:
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Thanks you posting photos of your set up. The whole system are very well laid out.
Those slabs look the part. I have only one under my processor. By the way, what have you done to the top disc Arcam CDP. It seems you have cover or shield the whole box with some heavy looking granite slabs.

It is now weekend. If I am really bored I'll really give it a 'serious' listen to see if they do make any sonic improvement or not.
that cover is made from noise absorbtion material commonly found or used on the inside of a pc to dampened the sound of the fans .available at maplins

under noise absorbtion .

has for the comment about russ andrews feel free to pay an extra £100 just to here him say it improves the quite happy to pay £12.99 and draw my own conclusion .

quoted above "Well, my DAC is now sitting on the argos granite, as the larger piece it was on is now required for the television. Doesn't sound any different as far as I can tell... "

theres your answer !
i guess Argos only had a certain amount of stock in anyways. it wasnt probably something they thought was going to sell loads off. i'm sure they will be more in stock soon.

Ford Telstar History
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just checked in my local Argos in Croydon, they have 3 left. didnt bother getting one though, want to do a little more research first... however, i could take orders now and ship them to those interested...! at an inflated rate of course!
Vapor Tower
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thinking about getting 4 myself... i have these three legged amp stands (2 shelves each) that i have my monoblocks on next to each speaker... the stands are great but the shelves are a horrible 8mm thick fibreboard stuff and weigh next to nothing.

Wonder if using these as shelves would bring any gains :-) hell id be happy if it just looks nicer
well.. got my first slab today...

went on top of CD player with a thin sheet of foam under it (a thin mousemat to be exact) this dampens down the CDP case completely.

The differences are spectacular.. i really wasnt expecting much but im pleasantly surprised.

Bass was tighter... deeper and better resolved... id guess thats cos vibrations not getting to the laser helps it to read all the better.

Next i'll put one on top of my audiolab pre in the same manner... and then one under the CDP... AMDWORLD if you get this... what are the isolation feet you are using between the slabs?

also tried one on my amp stand to see how it looks.. and it looks snazzy.. so thats 4 more already. that will be 7.. count em... 7 slabs for my whole system for less than the cost of ONE hi-fi platform.

i urge anyone to try them... for the price its impossible to beat
you see it doesnt always pay to be a sceptic does £12.99 YOU CANNOT GO WRONG .

Those feet i had a friend make with a lathe then just stuck some rubber on em.just made from scrap solid metal tubing.
shrink said:
Next i'll put one on top of my audiolab pre in the same manner...

You might want to be careful with that; they get pretty hot on top (class A), or at least the two I had did. Presumeably they lose most of their heat through the top so covering it with a mousemat and granite may pose a problem. Just a thought.
Those feet i had a friend make with a lathe then just stuck some rubber on em.

I picked up a leaflet from Aldi,s today .
It looks like they are getting some machined doorstops in at £2.49 each.They seem to have a rubber base . Three of these under your kit or platforms would make some nice looking cheap feet .
amdworld said:
you see it doesnt always pay to be a sceptic does £12.99 YOU CANNOT GO WRONG .

Especially if you also need a smart new chopping block!

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