Quick. I'm powerless here. Would a ZG mod lock this thread now?
All in good time Joe

Yes please.Buffy. Buffy. Buffy.
Quick. I'm powerless here. Would a ZG mod lock this thread now?
Yes please.Buffy. Buffy. Buffy.
Ralph's FR measurement at unspecified level shows the glitch. You are cherry picking your proxies to suit your prejudices...The "other" measurement is taken at very low level and only shows FR - hardly of much merit.
Ralph's FR measurement at unspecified level shows the glitch. You are cherry picking your proxies to suit your prejudices...
You haven't actually provided any evidence.If you want to dispute the evidence I really would lose the will to live if I had to provide you with more.
'My Cousin Vinnie' is playing at the moment. Average less than 70dBA on the meter. Normal TV levels. Not sounding 'way wrong' at all. YMMV of course.They just sound way wrong to my ears at levels below 85db
A presumption that 'discrete' is better than integrated is 'foo foo'. See your anti-cable argument.I don't think discrete components can be considered foo foo Paul but there you go.
So either the heatsinks were fine, or the amps aren't quite as much class A as stated, which I don't think is true.
The only way to prove your point regarding amps and active crossover is to obtain a pair of passive ones, remove the passive crossover from its chamber and make a new back panel (ATC may even have this option already for all I know) so you can actively tri-amp them. That would prove your point once and for all (I do think you have a point...............).
You haven't actually provided any evidence.
One amateur measurement appears to show a resonance. Another amateur measurement appears not to.
If you listen at levels below 80db I'm really surprised you haven't bought a graphic EQ yet though Paul. They just sound way wrong to my ears at levels below 85db - an opinion shared by two studio professionals I am friends with I should add. And that's 80db at 1m. How far away from them are you?
Hi SC,
I found this with the JBL S2 9860, but I saw this lack of change of tonality and timbre with change of output (volume) as a fault, since in reality the perceived tonality of music does change with loudness (volume). I put this 'fault' down to the pervasive colouration of the HF (horn) driver, which I mention in a previous post, and which you postulate as an effect of the horn (resonances).
Hi SC,
I found this with the JBL S2 9860, but I saw this lack of change of tonality and timbre with change of output (volume) as a fault, since in reality the perceived tonality of music does change with loudness (volume). I put this 'fault' down to the pervasive colouration of the HF (horn) driver, which I mention in a previous post, and which you postulate as an effect of the horn (resonances).