ATC SM75-150S Dome Mid Measurement Data

I was always caught by things in the sound that for me weren't completely normal and that made me aware of having a system in front of me.

This is exactly the problem that I and others have experienced I believe - that everything is there, it just doesn't sound totally natural and convincing like it can through some better solutions. Whatever is played sounds like it is music being played back through ATC monitors. Without trying to appear elitist, it seems to be the people who have experienced some of the better alternatives that hear this limitation, not those who have jumped up to them from some venerable domestic alternative from yesteryear.
titian, do you think it could be as much to do with being used to your own system? Everyone gets used to their system and can tune out any slight artifacts in the sound without thinking about it after a time.

If you listen to an unfamiliar system I think it would be very hard to hear it and not hear something 'different'.
That is true, that is the first question everybody should ask himself. I'm trying to get rid of "getting used to the sound of my system". That's why I increased my concerts frequency (now over 60 / year) and decided to go to all the rehearsals I can. Some weeks I'm from monday to friday in the concert hall. I believe going to rehearsals is even much better than concerts when it comes to getting aware of the sound.
Of course most of the time I though hear my system but I try to be aware about the differences between my system and what I hear in the concert hall. When I listen to other systems I try my best to forget about my system. How much I really can do that, I can't tell you.
This is exactly the problem that I and others have experienced I believe - that everything is there, it just doesn't sound totally natural and convincing like it can through some better solutions. Whatever is played sounds like it is music being played back through ATC monitors. Without trying to appear elitist, it seems to be the people who have experienced some of the better alternatives that hear this limitation, not those who have jumped up to them from some venerable domestic alternative from yesteryear.
I have nothing against what you say and about what people prefer. All this is not about condemming a system or a component or about how people listen to music.
First of all we don't even know what made it sound so. Maybe it had nothing to do with the system itself: ok very probably it wasn't the sourses since both sounded in the same way.

But anyway I can understand that people like that sound and that's very good so.
Do you think it's possible to listen to one system in one room - your own for instance - and another somewhere else, and then draw meaningful comparisons between the two?

I am sure that one of the reasons why I like my system is that I like my room.

And fox has pointed out the real purpose of a hi-fi system, which is to reproduce what's on the recording.
Of course every room has a different impact on the sound of a system. What we hear is the combination of the both. I'll hear the 150 and 100 in another room and see how its like.
Anyway I'm not comparing other systems with mine.

A purpose of a hi-fi system depends on the owner. There are lots of variations. Personally I don't know how someone can pretend to know, how what's recorded should sound like.

Its hard to ignore the common factors presented by the proponents.

This is exactly the problem that I and others have experienced I believe - that everything is there, it just doesn't sound totally natural and convincing like it can through some better solutions. Whatever is played sounds like it is music being played back through ATC monitors. Without trying to appear elitist, it seems to be the people who have experienced some of the better alternatives that hear this limitation, not those who have jumped up to them from some venerable domestic alternative from yesteryear.
ATC is a useful tool - it sounds like a tool - its not really for listening pleasure, at least to me.
This is exactly the problem that I and others have experienced I believe - that everything is there, it just doesn't sound totally natural and convincing like it can through some better solutions. Whatever is played sounds like it is music being played back through ATC monitors. Without trying to appear elitist, it seems to be the people who have experienced some of the better alternatives that hear this limitation, not those who have jumped up to them from some venerable domestic alternative from yesteryear.

Well, I disagree with your opinion about ATC monitors. I think they do sound completely natural, and the speakers have no discernible sound of their own. The speakers they sound most similar to, in my experience, are the Quad ESLs. So where do we go from here?
Of course they have more bass extension. The alleged "problem" is the midrange, and I think the ATC midrange is every bit as good as the Quads'.
Surely ATC's extend a bit more at the top too, and hopefully they don't distort like Quads as soon as you turn them up, also the mid range of the Quads isn't that fantastic, perhaps it was ok in the 50's when everyone was eating powdered eggs.
Oh, I do so wish I could add something to this bit about Quad ESL's and ATC's, but unfortunately my room shape/size never alowed me to get my 63's to work as I new they could (based on sound heard in other locations). Nevertheless, ATC's definitely compete in being exceptionally low distortion devices and I find them absolutely thrilling on (natural) voice and piano (two very hard to reproduce sounds IMO).
Compared with briks? You dont have much to base your opinions on that is the problem bub. As the whole lp12 sme thing should evidence.

ATCs certainly dont match the quads in the mid - play some violin music to truly appreciate the difference.
oh my god.. is this thread still going... how on earth can you debate drivers for 24 pages. I think some of you need to get out a little bit more :)

I love hifi as much as the next guy, but really, theres got to be a point where its just not worth arguing it any more.

Why not stop debating the finer points of driver design, and just go put some music on and enjoy it. Isnt that supposed to be the point of all this?