ATC SM75-150S Dome Mid Measurement Data

Acoustic guitars, percussion, & vocals. I'll take a wild guess that that doesn't count. Probably a schoolboy error.
Oh absolutely wrong: of course it counts. First of all I believe that doing that test was a big great experience. And I do believe that you didn't hear differences. I think (*) that the ATC would do a great job with that kind of music but also with some other instruments which have a direct type of sound propagation. The good point in small rooms (I mean less 30 m x 20) is that even instruments that are more diffuse sound propagation will have in there more direct characteristics because the sound has not space. I remember different companies (McIntosh, Burmester, BW,..) which aren't really known for linearity, who made demos in small rooms to demonstrate how accurate there systems are vs. live music. Well yes it wasn't easy to hear differences.

(*) I want to underline the fact that I cannot at all say much about ATC speakers after listening to one pair of them once in a particular occasion.
...small rooms (I mean less 30 m x 20)

Blimey, Titian, that's a bit "flash"! How large is your room?

I believe the ATC's design brief is to reproduce acoustic instruments with great accuracy, Billy Woodman being some sort of musician himself. They excel with classical material, IMO. If that's what you listen to, I would recommend a home demo.
No they mean tannoy or jbl - which are at the extreme away from ATC. PMC is slap bang in the middle - the goldilocks speaker if you will.