Mr 3DSonics is talking such rubbish that I have even been inspired to register on the forum. Since he seems to like the reports in hifi mags, he might take a look at Dave Berriman's review and lab report on the ATC SCM20A2 (which are a poor relation of the 3-way active ATCs) from Hi-Fi News's September 2003 issue. This is available online for a small fee.
I'll leave out the boring bits about how fantastic it sounds

. A few quotes from the lab report instead:
"Frequency response curves of the ATCs are smooth and within close limits...The family of off-axis curves in figure 2 shows very tight control of directivity, the off- and on- axis graphs staying within a 4dB maximum spread across the measured range. This verifies ATCs claims and indicates consistent tonal balance in the room... the blending of outputs is excellent by any measure. ... Note the surprising degree of bass extension in-room (plenty of output down to 20Hz!) due to room gain... All in all these are a fine set of measurements, indicating smooth and even frequency responses, even off-axis, broad dispersion, well-controlled minimum phase performance and low distortion - all broadly as claimed by the manufacturer."
Just one quote from the listening test:
"Bass notes weren't in any way overblown (and for some might be a little on the light side of neutral) but there's no doubting the accuracy, control and precision."
More importantly they sound real. I get to hear (and mix) live music every week in a variety of venues. The 3-way ATCs - I have some active 50s- are probably not the best speaker on the market but they do "real" dynamics and accuracy better than most of them. The comments 3D is making are frankly silly. By all means say you don't like the presentation or you find them hard to integrate into your room or they make your CD player sound harsh or whatever, but the pseudo-objective absolute criticisms are a bit irritating...
Sorry - bit of a negative first post but there you go.
PS The SEAS Excel tweeter that ATC uses in the newer speakers is simply superb, as many speaker designers across the world will probably tell you...