AVI arrived

get all your dough back mate..........they are clearly faulty

as I explained they are just doors stops once they go down
Caveat emptor and all that, but he should have done his research before listing them. You may not be able to do much about it, but now is the time to test whether he really is genuine or not. You need to draft him a firm but polite email pointing out the goods were misrepresented, and ask him to take them back (offer to pay shipping). If he refuses, file a complaint under ebay's Square Trader scheme (it's useless, but you need to go through all the standard steps).

If you get no joy, given the amount involved, it may be worth spending a bit of cash getting a solicitor to draft him a letter making the same misrepresentation point and asking for a refund. The aim isn't to take legal action against him (that would be expensive and you may not win anyway), but to scare him.

If you're persistent enough, you may manage to get at least some of your money back. Certainly more than £50, that's derisory. Once you have a conclusion one way or another, give him the most negative ebay feedback you can, even if you win, to discourage him from doing it again.

-- Ian
i think i may be best not to reply tonight, need to get my thoughts together on this, im not teribly good with wording for this kinda mail.
I just hope he see's some sense in the matter, i dont want this to drag on
well its an interesting one..I don't fully understand...

are you saying the serial no. being 91 means they are 12 years old, and he said 4 yrs...?

I suppose it comes down to intent...the seller could well have bought them from the shop and was under the impression that they were recent... it does happen..

with regards to the servicing...this is where you start having to ask all sorts of questions....you can easily leave out info. in listings and receive something only to find its not quite what you thought...then again, its your responsibility to find out, sometimes you have to think of everything...I have been deliberately mislead on at least one occasion, got the wrong thing sometimes thro' my own fault of not investigating something enough, and then again the genuine ignorance of the owner...

you could say serviced, and a report given, and it will be, but by whom? when? what was done? just a slip of paper saying std service... £xx ,what constitutes recent?...

joes musical junk store gave it a cosmetic clean...serviced?? definitions....

(I had something that said boxed, any decent thinking individual would take that to mean original box,

I only buy with this now for((1. if it gets damaged in transit, the courier has no excuse to refuse on grounds of poor packing.. a courier damaged it categorically, but was poorly packed...I was in the lurch...

2/ its easier to pack for posting, and more attractive for buyers, too...))

it came in a shitty any old box..I was pissed as hell, and gave him hell, but to no avail...for a small amount of cash, it could cost more and there is the time and hassle...) yes square trade was worse than u/s waste of space...

with something like this, and a tempting buy it price, its easy to dive in and find out the hard way....

there are different versions of bits out there, and sometimes, listings don't give what you need to know...

its a lesson, and I bet you won't make the mistake again...you can sell on, and maybe not lose too much....probably best to ask for a full refund in exchange of the amps, if not a goodwill discount...

...I am not fully sure of the law in this...it is secondhand, and you don't have the same rights as with new stuff..its a payoff between time, energy, hassle, lawyers fees, etc...for maybe zilch...just cos you don't like something when you get it unfortunately is just the way it is...I have done this too and its a bummer...

a good eg is a car...it could be an import, and you could buy it now say, with a nice spec. and good service history, and that not disclosed...the seller is not really doing anything wrong as such,

or say a service history...how much, how long...may be one mot, and a few replacements...not a nice full info on everything...you get the point

then there is the random instance of a failure when you get something back...it could well have worked fine and all that, and just happens to die on you in the first hour...it happens, too..

is it really getting to the stage where we need to research every items history before we buy or sell..?? imagine if somethings been modded and you don't know and you sell...??? somtimes ebay is too much hassle, and I think the novelty will wear slightly.

hope it gets sorted ok for you..
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yup, i had confirmation that they were built in 1991, but the seller said just over 4 years old.
Im pissed that i cant sell them on for what i paid. I would have given them a go, but in light of what AVI told me about not driving them hard im a bit sceptical about useing them now. So effectivly i have cleaned out my account for something i cant use
Andy, pop them up and I'll go over them for you, check em out, however, a case for Trading standards here I feel, But if the Guy has 100% feedback, I suspect He doesn't want a bad mark ;) maybe, a polite reply in the morning, may well help T.
Personally, i think any reasonable seller, if he has made an honest mistake, and effectively misrepresented the goods, should take his **** up at his own cost, and reimburse the buyer fully. Like has been pointed out, if this guy has 100% feedback it might be ok - but given his initial offer of £50 maybe not.

Just tell him you will get 303 of your closest friends over if he pisses you about. Julian could transport us all over there in his 'small' Lexus. I think maybe WM as the vanguard whipping threateningly huge power sticks in the guys face. Lee could scare him senseless with some high bpm thigh slapping; timpy could 'box' him in meanwhile, as Madhippy introduces him to some shit eating games; Birkett would probably raid the fridge for ale and hump his finest baseball glove, whilst having a sneaky drag on some of the guys finest Cubans; Ian could read the guy his rights, or lack of them, whilst blasting out some serious hardcore surreal plinque action on Mick Parrys Salisbury rig; once the blood has stopped dripping from his ears Merlin could unload his 'for sale basket' on the guys house and crush it to the ground, thats without the subs; Isaac could nick the rubble and construt a mk11 rack weighing in at 1 ton; after that we could just send him packing up North with a mana rack strapped to his broken back, for a hellish sermon from the Devil himself. The ringing in his ears, should finally force them to drop off - and his hifi days will be firmly at an end. Bake off complete, we could all shimy back to Henrys palace for a few crates of Micks finest vintage and some grass from Hippys lawn. Michael could be the official delegate in fine trim throughout the proceedings.......

Nowt to worry about mate.

(The abridged version)
Nice idea. Alternatively, we could all hold him down while penance repeatedly kicks him in the nuts.

-- Ian
Originally posted by sideshowbob
Nice idea. Alternatively, we could all hold him down while penance repeatedly kicks him in the nuts.

-- Ian

:D Bollox. Could you not have posted sooner. Would have saved me 10mins on that prolix rant.
My advice - for what its worth!! -

If they have an intermitant fault, try and get it fixed - then, if you dont like the sound, shove them back on e-bay.

I dont think you will lose as much as you think. Most will not know the rule that models of a certain age cannot be seriously repaired, and you're under no obligation to say that fact in an advert on e-bay.

Sell it, sell the shearne, and buy a big fat mutha of a valve amp!! ( well I had to get that in somewhere :D )
Been listening for a while and the oscilation gets worse the longer they are on.

So ive just draughted this, but not sent -

Hi Neil

I have been listening to the amps for a while, they appear to have a fault, an oscilating noise through the speakers that gets progressivly louder the longer they are left on. Was this apparent when you used them after the service?
Im sorry to say, but £50 does not really cover the problem, AVI S2000MM of a 1991 vintage are being sold for around £250-£300 private sales.
I feel that as the age was mis-represented it is the onus of the seller to refund accordingly.


Can some-one let me know if it seems a fair response to his offer of 50quid

Im hoping for his sakes that he meant £500 not £50.

£50 is an insult.

as I say, if at the end of the day all goes shit-shaped fix the oscillation problem and whack them back on e'bay

You're not using them with Goertz cables or anything or you?

Just wondered if there may be another cause of this oscillation

Can some-one let me know if it seems a fair response to his offer of 50quid

Looks OK to me. If he doesn't offer a refund then you know, 100% rating or not, that he's an arse.

Good luck.

-- Ian
Andy, be firm but fair, and also mention Ebay likes Honest reputiable traders, and 'Selling as NOT described' is no, no, if all else fails, I still do collection services, I'm sure he can come to a ammicable arrangement, did you pay by paypal?, else the pleasure/pain principle need apply here :D

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