AVI arrived

Hi Penace,

Sorry to hear about your current problem.

As some people have pointed out, buying from an individual is a case of "carveat emptor" , "Let the buyer beware". This is how the law sees it. You are not bound by the Sale of Goods act. This only applies to traders.

The general rule in law is that a purchaser enters into a contract at his peril and own risk. If what he gets is not what he wanted then he has no redress.

However there are exceptions to this.

A Private seller must warrant and promise that the goods belong to the seller. Fit any description he has given to them.
Correspond with any sample previously given. They must match any sample shown prior to purchase.


The seller must not make any false statements of fact (Misrepresentations) about the goods prior to or at the time of sale. If the purchaser relies on any such misrepresentations then he has the right to take legal action. Misrepresentations must be false statements of fact and not flowery or exaggerated phrases. E.G. "Lovely little runner" or "Goes like a dream" are meaningless. However "Just put in a new engine" or "It does 45 miles to the gallon" are factual and if proved wrong will be treated as misrepresentations


If the goods are second hand then a lower standard is expected. However the Caveat Emptor principle still applies, as do the exceptions and points dealt with earlier.


Some traders masquerade as individuals so as to avoid their legal responsibilities to their customers. This practice is unlawful and traders must make it clear that they are traders and not private individuals.

looking at the ad, I don't think there is any mis representation as you asked about the age after the sale. the power rating would have been taken from manuals. The servicing should have been done in good faith. If he had easy load, sensitive speakers, he may not be aware of any power problems.

Right you need to determine if there are any records of AVI speaking to this guy & telling him bout the faults. If not, it would be AVI's word against the seller's.

You do need to have the amp fully checked & a report written. This would determine if the amps could have been damaged in transit or from misuse/faulty. e.g burntout components.

Get in touch with the people who did the service to see what they have to say about it. They should be able to shine some light on it as it was only in August.

If the report shows that the amp is most likley was damaged via transit, then I don't think you have much come back. You would have to relay on the Postal service paying compensation. Getting any money back from the seller would be at his discretion.

If report shows overwise, that you have you have a case. The small claims court or solictor is the way to go.

Another thing you could look at is to see if he acts as a trader. Has he bought & sold alot of stuff? Is the selling his business? If you can prove he's a trader then he is bound by the sale of goods act.

You could give him a bell & tell him you are not happy with the outcome & am seeking further advice & will be getting the amps checked. Then you need to write to him stating what you are going to do. This should give hiom time to settle out of court.

I hope it goes well for you.

Ok, Have been doing a spot of investigation into's penances griefy amps today, had them on, up to 2 o'clock, all votage rails seem ok, 50V cap bank, doing what there are susposed to do, 12v rail, well giving neigh on 12V, ok on test (Red LED not working on the amp Andy suspected probs with, also case work loose and heatsinks not properly secured (sorted))
rogers 4's 90db 8/6 ohmn load, left them playing for an hour, before listening, pretty open, nice weight, slight imbalance in r/h speaker, low level detail off, mudded bass, not as clean as other side, swopped inputs, same problem L/H.
Removed cover again, suspected possible dry joint on the output transistors, (also no temperature control on this either???), resolderied '+'Ve rail, desoldered the first leg of the second P/T and hey-presto it fell off :eek: :D judging by the oxidisiation, I feel it's been that way for a while :rolleyes:
which also ties in with Avi's suggestion of not driving these babies to hard, as for not getting the parts :D
Ok, so I'm gunna busy this week, but maybe you clever boys can help Andy hear locate some suitable replacements, preferably UPRATED, even with a dodgy P/T it was still doing a half about job, with the Rogers (but I feel the Dynaudio's) are always going to be a hard load to drive, so uprating here should be at the top of the list. so can you guys sus some replacements for Andy please

the P/N's are BD743C (4 off) and BD744C (4 Off)

Info data sheet link, maybe a job for TMH/Paul R/J/C maybe cheers Wm


next time we see each other perhaps you could have look at mine - you provide the expertise ,me the beer

Mind you I was in the smallest room this morning wondering what I would do if the avi's fell over and a pair of s/h bystons or a krell sprung to mind. or even one of the new avi intergrateds. either way it's not the fin de la monde.

From RS,

BD743C 649-611 £1.47
BD744C 649-649 £1.47

All in stock. If you buy 50 of each it's about £30 a type.

http://rswww.com and anybody can order. I haven't checked Farnell but I doubt they'd be significantly cheaper.

I would be reluctant to just change the type of power transistor in the hope of 'uprating' without proper consultation of the whole circuit. The 'C' version of the transistor is the 'best' available. The data sheet for this part was first introduced in 1978, so it's very old technology, but just bunging in some modern parts isn't necessarily going to be better.

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A fair point Paul, however the later versions of this amp, run point for point circuitry, I've been informed today (by some one who should know), so maybe the Output Trannies they use in the later models would be beneifical, maybe if we ask John H nicely, he might take the 4 screws out and read off the Numbers, from the said units which are strapped to a truley monstrous heat sinks, I feel the new Trannies have a far superior heat disappation rate and rise and fall times (possibly) for same input currents/voltages. Wm
If the later versions are similar then an upgrade is a definite possibility. But surely AVI would be able to advise? I don't understand (yet) what is 'unserviceable' about these amps, the output transistors are apparently still in production and available from the first place I looked.

I would think that a new set of standard output transistors at £12 a channel and refreshing all the heat conducting compound goo is worth doing anyway. You then have a standard serviced product that could be sold on.

back from my Exam:eek:

Thanks Tone, your a star :)

Bit beyond me tbh, i think your saying that they have a few probs but can be sorted?
Worried about driving the Dynaudio's tho. If i get no joy with the seller am i best shifting them on as repaired/serviced and seeking newer?

Thanks to all for the help/advice :D
Pardon me if I have got this bit wrong, it has been a long thread :eek:.
The good wadia-master has had a look at the amps and found that need some new parts, have I got that bit right?
I thought the chap who was selling had just had the amps serviced, hadn't he? Some service.

I do apologise if I have got mixed up with the story.

When you buy 2nd hand products, you buy as seen, yes. So if, as in this case, it wasn't seen before it was bought, Surely you should have some legal standing and be able to get you money back without going to court?

I wish you all the best Penance, I hope you get your money back and the **** who sold the amps get 7 years back luck.

I'd find out his name and address, then get some posters made up exposing him as a paedophile and stick 'em up around his neighbourhood.

But that's just me;)
Originally posted by Paul Ranson

I would think that a new set of standard output transistors at £12 a channel and refreshing all the heat conducting compound goo is worth doing anyway. You then have a standard serviced product that could be sold on.

I Agree with Pauls suggestion, as then you could be a lot happier about selling on the amps, in a proper working condition, if you so wish.
I will say one thing, because the nature of the fault, and the amps were still working, a soak test, in all honesty proberbly wouldn't have picked this up, I feel this is wear and tear (over time), that may had been helped along by posting, to be fair no marks on either of the boxes or the amp cases, prehaps being moved around was enough :rolleyes:
neither of which helps Andy though. Wm
Thank you John, there are 2 each side of the transformer, and their are bolted to the bigg heat sink, they have 3 legs, each of with is soildered to the main curciut board, cheers John (the numbers are on the top of them) T.
Ive not got an RS account, will the ones from farnell be the same?
Farnell - POWER INNOVATIONS TRANSISTOR PNP TO-220 Current, Ic hfe 1 A Power, Ptot 90 W Current, Ic continuous a max 15 A Voltage, Vcbo -100 V Voltage, Vceo 100 V

this is from the CAB site

If you buy new goods at an auction on or after 31 March 2003, you have the same legal rights that you have if you buy goods in a shop (see under heading What are your legal rights when you buy goods ). If the goods are second hand, you only have legal rights if you buy them at an auction where you are not given the opportunity to attend, for example, at an internet auction.

If you bought the goods at an auction before 31 March 2003, the situation is more complicated and you may need to consult an experienced adviser, for example, at a Citizens Advice Bureau. To search for details of your nearest CAB, including those that can give advice by email, click on nearest CAB .

to me that says i have a legal right to a refund?
ill try phoneing them for clarification
Were you given the oppurunity to view them though? I've not seen the original auction so not sure, but did he mention anything about auditioning? Or does this not matter either way :confused:

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