AVI arrived

Somehow it's kind of difficult to trust the E-Bay. How safe is it really to buy here?
It's sad to hear Penance got victimized by a crook, and how can E-Bay possibly prevent things like this from happening?

Penance, maybe it would still be much safer the next time to just buy brand new or personally talk to the guy and check the item before buying anything.

Under the threat of legal action most will crumble. Just make sure that you have got everything nailed down before you go into court. The Judges are very canny. Took my landlady to court once for withholding a deposit, and you need to have your legal arguments very clearly defined. Mind you if you issue the writ at your end the vendor will have to travel to defend himself. My only concern is that Caveat Emporer applies to auctions, you would be best to seek an amicable solution. If you can get him to refund that will be by far your best bet. Private sellers are not covered by the sale of goods act, you would have to convince the judge that he was being willfully fraudulant. My suspician is that with a recent service of sorts that might be quite hard. Has the bloke got any other bad feedback, can you contact any other unlucky parties. Inform the vendor that unless he deals with the situation, you will leave feedback informing the community that you are proceeding with legal action against him. If he sells a lot that might frighten him into action.
The Ebay community is generally honest, but like anywhere else there are bad eggs. I really hope you haven't found one. Best of luck sorting it out.
Gosh, lordsummit, if for just a few pounds of second hand unit I bought from E-Bay I'll have to go through all these troubles of taking legal actions against somebody later on, then maybe I'll just spend more money buying a brand new unit. That way I can even have a warranty for it.

I've only ever once had a problem with Ebay, and that was once when selling, not buying. Like I said before most people on there seem to be honest, and everything I've bought has been as described. The only time I've bought and regretted it, it was my fault for not doing my research properly. I would not consider doing all the work of a small claims court claim unless there was a significant amount of money available. Things are cheaper second hand and there is a temptation to try and save money. My amp and speakers came from there. I've never regretted that, and I'm sure I'll use it again
exactly osama, that is why ebay can be a total waste at times and you wonder why you bother..I have been misldead on certainly 1 occasion, sometimes through your own impatience to buy you can make a mistake...there is a world audio valve preamp on there, and there were 2 models.....a line stage buffer, which this one is, and a better active with phono stage....it would be easy to buy the wrong one...

...and yes there are a few rotten eggs out there, but mostly the people I have come accross are ok...
suprising tho the number of times I have sent cheques off in the post and the goods have arrived and been fine...wouldn't be too difficult to con people, so plenty of decent reliable ones out there...

trouble is, when it does go wrong, its a bloody pain...big style...and as you say for a few quid more, you can get new, etc..
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another reply from him today -

Hello Andy,

I simply want the best resolution for both of us, under no circumstances do
I want you to feel let down by the process. My solution is as far as I can
see the correct one - the goods left me in undamaged condition, the carrier
delivered them to you in a damaged state, presumably caused by rough
handling and therefore are as such responsible for the problem. As I made
the contract with them to deliver the goods I am obviously responsible for
seeking the claim. I can't see that they should have any problem in
compensating as insurance is included in the cost of SD. If the worst comes
to the worst and Royal Mail wish to pay for repair then we can point out
that AVI will not do this - although I find their attitude hard to believe:
for one thing they were happy to take money for the service without comment
and the reports were a "clean bill of health"; also I imagine that if one
output device is unavailable then another-of better quality - can be
substituted. I shall let you know of progress.

Best regards,


So it seems he is not willing to reimburse me unless he gets his refund from the Royal Mail.
Im now starting to get tired of this, i have explained a few times to him that it his his responsibility to refund me and for him to seek compensation as he see's fit.
Im really not sure how to procede now. I think that if i dont have a favourable reply by monday i should report it to Ebay etc..
Royal Mail wont pay out unless the carton is damaged in any way.Standard insurance is only £250 per parcel for special delivery,unless he paid for extra insurance.
I don't really know what to suggest,but geting ebay involved may help.Hope you get it sorted.

It seems extremely unlikely that two mono-blocks would be simultaneously damaged in shipping in such a way. You need to get them checked out by an independent person, if necessary by WM, but the local AVI dealer would be better.

If they're actually broken then lean on the seller, but if its compatibility or installation then I think you're stuffed. Or back on EBay.

It beggars belief that AVI say they are unserviceable. This is simply untrue. There may be parts that can no longer be sourced in bulk but any semiconductor from the early 90s will either be available in small quantities or have a near equivalent.

You should have bought Naim...

I think you over estimate what ebay can do...they can do sweet fanny adams
yes its true if you get lumbered with them all hope is not lost...there are equivalent parts, so it MAY be poss. to get them up and running ok...
sellers do not like giving back refunds for that kind of cash, so you will be hard pressed to get your cash back..
you have to do whatever you feel is correct...
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I realise that mate, but i think it is the correct way to procede, Ebay first, and hope it worries him enough to pay up. If not i shall inform him that i intend to take it to small claims.
Youch!!! Can't really add anything to what's been suggested, but my sympathies.

As you've already stated, the refund should be from him. Tell him you'll support him in any cliam he makes regarding postal damage but ultimately, it's him who owes you the refund. What happens in the possible situation where he doesn't get compensation? Will he still refund you?

And muchio respectio to Tony for offering to have a look under the hood for you! :)

Hope it gets sprted soon mate! :D
Yup, Tont has been great. Much appreciated:)

I dont get this guy at all
I sent him this

Hi Neil

As you stated, you are responsible for seeking recompense as you see fit,
you contract being with the Royal Mail.
My contract is with yourself, and as such it is also your responsibility to
refund me, this is irespective of how you seek compensation for yourself.
There fore i must re-state that the way to continue in this situation is for
you to refund me, seeking compensation for yourself is a matter for you to
deal with.

Andy Thompson

he replied --

Hello Andy,

Sorry for the delay in replying - I'm a little puzzled by your response. I
am not seeking compensation for myself but for you. Once paid for the goods
are your property, not mine. I'm seeking compensation on your behalf from
Royal Mail. I imagine that the outcome that you are looking for is a working
set of monoblocs (or you would not have bought these) or if this is not
possible a refund of your money, this is what I'm doing my utmost to work
towards. As someone who has both bought and sold on ebay for a few years
(see my feedback) I know of the frustration that problems of this sort cause
and that the inevitable delay caused by communication with carriers does not
help. If you are "hi-fi less" because of this I can send you a RA modified
Creek integrated amp to tide you over in the mean time.

Best Regards,

Well i dont know how many more ways i can try to explain to him that he has the responsibility to refund me for faulty goods.
But he offers to send me another amp as stand in:confused:
Short of telling him i AM going to instigate legal procedings i dont know what else to do
Phone him

Why not phone the guy up?........much easier to get your point accross than by email.

Humm, it's a shite when you get this sorta of grief, no matter how much or less it costs :mad:
Timpy sent some speakers to guy, by Parcel Farce, who completely trashed them, the guy sent Timpy the photos of the parcells, the corner was in half on one speaker & and the driver was 'floating about in the other', Timpy, straight away, re-embursed the guy, and posted a feed back plus on his check sheets, then TIMPY claimed from parcel Joke as he was the SENDER.
I had a quick look inside the one that Andy was most corncered over, the outer casing and r/h heatsink was loose :( , which isn't that clever as a pair of regualors, that are soldered to main board, (nice job) :D can move, and best cause a 'dry joint' else total facture the solder or break a semiconductor leg, it's also got pretty hot at some point, there are 'blacking marks' on the underside of the casing (some kit does do this over time), but maybe tomorrow I'll strap it on the scope and see whats a foot. Wm

Also nice to meet penance & his good lady :)
Data unfortunately i feel you may be roight. I tried to make him see reason but alas he continues bild to his obligations.

Tone, thanks for takeing a look. On your Sunday aswell, where you get the time eh;) . I assume the unit your talking about was the opne in the white box, i think that was the wobbly one. As you say, in the situation it is the onus of the seller to re-imburse the buyer despite any third party, alas he thinks different:rolleyes:

Was good to meet you aswell Tone, pleasant time spent, and an enjoyable listen aswell. I want your dynamics:D

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