bands that don't do it for you

Post-Syd Pink Floyd
The Who
The Police/Sting
Genesis/Phil Collins
The Clash
The Stranglers
Elvis Costello
Nitzer Ebb
The Prodigy
Marvin Gaye
Shed Seven
Norah Jones

... I'll stop now
michaelab said:
Good to see that no-one has mentioned Muse and Elbow, both excellent and original IMO and what all the others are trying to be but failing at miserably.


Um, Muse and Elbow. I owned an Elbow record for a short while. Couldn't get it down the music exchange quick enough.

And have we all forgotten just how exciting Oasis were to begin with? They were rock and roll's second coming until it became clear just how hollow it all was. Eventually their gravitational collapse will be complete, and then perhaps we can remember them for that initial stellar burst.
What is the supposed similarlity between Muse and Radiohead? Muse are just bad metal with a bit of angst. Can't stand them.
Muse definitely have a Radiohead influence and some of their songs (particularly the first album) can sound distinctly like the "old" (good) Radiohead. Their most recent album "Absolution" I think is an absolute cracker. One of my faves actually :eek: .

Muse are an interesting one. I've not really liked any of their releases to date, yet I saw them a good 9-10 times in the couple of years before the first album and they were much better, really powerful delivery, energetic live performance but now in comparison they just seem to be in cruise control. Will go see them again though, maybe live they still have it.

Travis, Kings Of Leon, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Creed, Korn, Bon Jovi (solo stuff and everything post Slippery When Wet), Jeff Buckley... that'll do for a start. I'm not going to bother mentioning the radio 1 fodder that others already have.
Oh dear , I suppose it would be a bit dishonest of me not to admit that i really, really, like Oasis, I am looking forward to the new album next year, have already booked some holiday next summer so that i can go to the Hampden Park concert. I didn't even bother trying to get a ticket online, I'll just drive down and buy off a Ticket tout on the day just like i did at Murrayfield Stadium last time.

A side note: I only decided to go see Oasis at Murrayfield at the last minute as I'd finished work unexpectedly early. I popped down with the intention of getting a ticket off a tout and if not, getting a Fish supper, driving home and putting it down to experience. I got a £27 ticket for £15 and then earlier on this year even managed to flog the old used ticket and wristband on e-bay for a couple for quid, some people will buy anything , eh ?

I also really, really like Colplay, I am looking forward to their next album, especially on Vinyl as i think the first two records where excellent value for money packages, good sound quality, and good 'Physical material' quality ( covers , vinyl , etc) . I thought that some of the tracks on A Rush of blood... where so well recorded and atmospheric that I occasionally use it as one of my test records.

On a positive note, i think it's great that we all have such varied tastes, there is shed loads of good records that i need to buy just now, but no Vinyl record shops near enough to visit. I do prefer to actually pick things up ( Vinyl records) and look at them in my hand if at all possible before i buy, CD's . Hmm... well CD's are just CD's aren't they...........
wadia-miester said:
Seems like a theme emerging here,

<Stuff I generally agree with deleted>

... The Beatles, some flashes of genius, but essential the first westlife

<more stuff I generally disagree (oops edit: I meant agree) with (except perhaps the Kings of Leon) >

You're taking the piss here right? The Beatles? Westlife? :eek: Yeah like Aretha Franklin is essentially the first Sinitta and Dusty Springfield is essentially the first Billy Piper ... something like that :rolleyes:

Oh yeah, bands I don't get - namby pamby, bedwetting, public schoolboy saps like Coldplay and Keane most definitely, but U2 (pompous) and Manics (even more pompous with even less talent) are definitely there.
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I'd go along with the Oasis/ Coldplay/ Travis/ Beatles school I must say.

But also Kings of Leon. Got the first album. Load of rubbish :D did absolutely nothing for me. As bad an experience as a Sonic Youth album purchase years back. Just coudn't see what all the fuss was about.

Also Gabriel era Genesis, could never get on with at school when it was new. Thought I'd grow into it. Nope. Nearly 30 years later it's still tedious nonsense!
So Ants,

You don't see any simularity between kiddie girlie screamy stuff in the early 60's as the same pap you get at westlife/boyonze gig's then?
Over hyped cobblers, with the odd good bit through in, later candlestick park and on they got mildly better, but then if hippy chicks are you bag, peace baby
Queen,yep,go along with that,Now I'm Here,live was a great track,er,thats it,the rest,rubbish
The Darkness - bland, seen-it-all-before-only-done-a-lot-better poodle rock. Spinal Tap without the humour.

Norah Jones and the like - dreary and dull. Melancholy but lacking any real feeling.

Oasis - tedious, lifeless, moronic. Same goes for their music.
queen, oasis, franz ferdinand, anything remotely to do with winning any type of tv talent contest, kings of leon, elton john, elbow, athlete, blue, Usher, jamie cullum r kelly, daniel bedingfield, and finally robbie ****ing williams.

All the most completely talentless bag of self loving (literally), aurally puke inducing, mind numbing bag of 2nd serving fanny juice on the planet.
he can shove his big PMCs up his arse! fat junkie talentless twat that he is.
I bet he still has plenty of room for for a pair of 14bsst brystons!

I however do not.

(gulp - that sounds like I've tried)
lAmBoY said:
queen, oasis, franz ferdinand, anything remotely to do with winning any type of tv talent contest, kings of leon, elton john, elbow, athlete, blue, Usher, jamie cullum r kelly, daniel bedingfield, and finally robbie ****ing williams.

All the most completely talentless bag of self loving (literally), aurally puke inducing, mind numbing bag of 2nd serving fanny juice on the planet.

While I applaud you're thinking..there are some exceptions. The early 1/2 of the EJ [Reg Dwight] career is exceptional, and deserves judging on it's own merits. Send me some personal details [eg address] and I won't elaborate publically about the rest.....

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