After the 40 hours they reckon necessary for the chips to learn about the other components and settle, but well before the one month recomended play to be fully run-in, here goes my first impressions:
With Krell plus Bryston, bass mids and highs compete for protagonism, every note stands up and grabs your attention, with the Bel Canto, the music flows coherent, still, if you look, you can hear the bass authoritary and very well controlled, even better than with Bryston, lots of detail and air through the whole range, and extended highs, scintilant, but never harsh...
Still, there is a small problem, less body, maybe because the bass is so well controled it sounds less proeminent...
By the way, the missus that didnt like it being polished aluminum, (every thing else is black), said I will prove it is worst than the Bryston, just play "Crouching tiger and ... dragon"...
She thought it would be dull reproducing special effects, but she was in for a surprise, the swords clashing and the chairs and floor beeing smashed sounded as lively, or more, then with the Bryston...
But I have to admit the cello in the end was less enveloping than before, (today it was already better), after all its only 2 days old, it can only improve with some more time...