BelCanto eVo


Time to visit the dealer and order a pair of Polypropilene caps... ;)
Hi Antonio,

I bought my Evo 2i second hand and imported it from the US. So no dealer support, but I know where I can get some mods done to it if I fancied stepping the performance up a gear or two in the future. ;)

Wima caps are a quality units, I use the metal film high procision caps in a lot of my work.
I'm sure they're tried a few brands before settling on that particular unit, correct use of certain types of caps can reap some :) rewards
But then, during the research it was down to one or 2 guys using the lug holes ;) .
I'm sure the mod will change the sound sufficently for you to have a NOTICABLE audio difference. Wm
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I got the eVo 6 with new CAPs, strangely it sounds good from minute 1, just very slight harsness playing louder, unlike the previous one, wich took some time before it sounded any good, I dont think the CAPs can do this... :confused:

Apprantly it was a safety issue as much as an upgrade, I've been unoffically lead to understand.
Belcanto's do suffer from noisy power supplies, althouh the l;ater version go some way to redress this, its still not quite right
Remove as much of the noise as possible and it pays dividends :)
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I didnt notice any noise from either unit, but what do you sujest I do to improve the power supply... :confused:

I dont think I need a bigger transformer, or to bother replacing the standard one... :rolleyes:

The replacement of the torriodial is not required, only by those who are odd :D
Noisy internal powers suppiles are more common than you think even in high end gear.
They are several ways of removing noise, start with reducing the amount going INTO the unit first. (has a large effect)
Internal extra shielding, better diodies, that have less inheirent noise, switch faster and cleaner. capcitor changes, forms of HF filtration and some of that ERS cloth around the more sensitive areas. Even copper tape+ drainwire, appiled directly to the tripath chip itself, take extreme care not to cause a short by the tape touching one of the chips pins :eek: :( .
Now all of this will invalidate the warranty, a big area to consider. T.
You are kidding me, just because I oppened my player and taped two sheets of ERS on its lid, doesnt mean I am going to do any of those things you mention... :newbie: :shame: :cry:

By the way, does ERS make the same difference in the power it did in the player... :confused:

I guess I will stick to the VDH Mainsstream and the Stillpoints cones... :latte:

I think its fair enough concerning the 'Hard mods', although the ERS is good (tape form) use around the wire taps coming from the torriodal to the circuit boards, just wind it round, also a sheet around the outside of the transformer does no harm at all and that should interfear with the warrenty as you've not removed/replaced anything BUT do check. T.

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