Burn in. myth or not?

Mick of course I'm trying to force your hand. You have stated that anyone who hears the difference is "as mad as a fish" . If that is the case PS is either a mad fish or he is deliberately lying to his customers. You then backtrack to say he could be suffering from auto suggestion.

It seems now you are saying the only people who can hear the difference are highly trained proffessional managing directors of audio companies. If that is so you are implying that the rest of us are wasting our money because we can not possibly have such sensitive ears.

I wonder what training PS went through to reach such a peak of hearing ability.
He could well be mad as a fish. I doubt he's lying to his customers, so in fact it's probably the only plausible explanation.

-- Ian
Yes but I want Mick to come clean on what he meant. I have no doubt that many think PS a mad fish but it is unusual for Mick to make such a suggestion. But now Mick has backtracked and seems to be claiming that only highly trained proffessional managing directors of audio companies have golden ears. I was just wondering what he was upto (other than evading the question) ;)
Tom Alves said:
Mick of course I'm trying to force your hand. You have stated that anyone who hears the difference is "as mad as a fish" .
But he didn't, Tom, the exact quote was:

"If you genuinely believe that cable is directional. then fine.

However, the rest of the world will think that you are mad as a fish."

P.S. Are there present any ichthyopsychologists to confirm that those of a ichthyic persuasion and habitat are indeed bereft of sanity? Once upon a time, some nautical distances were measured in cables (200yd). Could this be the reason for said lack of sanity, all these unbelayed cables lying about?

Ever heard the expression of barrack room lawyer.

PS lives and breathes hifi every day of his working life, he is bound to know what to listen for, assuming of course, his hearing is ok.

We buy good Naim kit because in our opinion, well mine at least, it is the best sound for the money on the market.

I can tell the difference between a 82 and a 52 and a 552 but I confess not being able to detect the difference in reversed bundy's.

As regards to the "mad as a fish" comment, most people would think you are a total head case if you ever claimed that reversing mains cable or bundy's made a difference to the sound. The comment on auto suggestion remains.


tones said:
But he didn't, Tom, the exact quote was:

"If you genuinely believe that cable is directional. then fine.

However, the rest of the world will think that you are mad as a fish."
but the implication was that he thought the same as the world thus by defaulting thinking PS to be in the fish camp. Anyway, it fun pointing out the inconsistancy and nonsense in what Mick writes. I like to see how he always denies what he originally wrote and the convoluted manner he reinterprets it to mean the exact opposite..

But as his blustering was one of the major reasons I've left the Naim & PinkFish fora I supose I'd better let it go and get on with my life.

Goodbye again.

Quote......I supose I'd better let it go and get on with my life.

That is a very good idea.

Like you I have taken a break ( subject to the occassional barge in) from the Naim and PFM fora and its good for us and good for them. New blood is always good and we are both past our sell by dates.

Enjoy the hifi rather than writing about it.


bottleneck said:
PS is a fishy
in a little dishy
PS is a fishy
when the boat comes in!

Dance to your cable
Long as you're able
To think the fable
Makes your boat come in.
I'm in the 'fish' camp. Anyone who seriously thinks that Naim spent 80+ hours 'burning-in' Burndy cables in both directions, before carefully auditioning which way round to use them, is madder than a fish on a bicycle.

Hence RKR's removal to the Padded Cell, I guess.
the inducement of hum through poor grounding is hardly the same as a directional cable.
bottleneck said:
the inducement of hum through poor grounding is hardly the same as a directional cable.


You know Markus is a regular scribe on stereophile, and thus clashing intellects with such a high calibre personage could serious damage the credibility as a mortal, and thus due caution should be obsevered.

To quote a very well known and over used phrase 'That'll be the day!"
The mere notion of a Mini- mick, is most unpleasant :( let alone a carbon copy, eee gawds :rolleyes:


I thought the idea of a mini mick would fill you with delight.

Thats another illusion shattered.

Yours in depression


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