Burn in. myth or not?


I have some of the RKR documents. I have about 17 of them which he sent me. The smallest one is around 33kb the largest one is 491kb. Some of it is easy to follow but as always, if in doubt don't dabble. Get someone in who can.

There are plenty of diagrams & pictures. The projects can involve hard wiring (no plugs into the mains) but not all of them. Does make a good read.

wadia-miester said:
The results were rather surprising, and dependant on weather
I find that if It's sunny outside, my hifi sounds very quiet, wot with it being off and me out mountain biking or climbing..
However, it definitely depends on light levels cos as it gets darker the hifi sounds better, wot with it being switched on then ;)

However, my amp does sound better after about 1/2 hour from switch on, wot with it being quite biased toward class a.

And Moto Guzzis tend not to reach their full performance potential (don't laugh!) until they've done about 10000 miles or more - that's proper burn in..
I know I shouldn't titter, but I see that poor old R-K-R's reply to an electrical thread in the pen has caused the whole thread to move to the Padded Cell. Woof! Woof!
Just get real.


If you genuinely believe that cable is directional. then fine.

However, the rest of the world will think that you are mad as a fish.


The Devil said:
I know I shouldn't titter, but I see that poor old R-K-R's reply to an electrical thread in the pen has caused the whole thread to move to the Padded Cell. Woof! Woof!

I cant agree or disagree with something I havent read yet bub ! :)
mick parry said:

If you genuinely believe that cable is directional. then fine.

However, the rest of the world will think that you are mad as a fish.
You going to tell that to Paul Stephenson? He seems very sure his Burndies are directional and you keep telling us how Naim are the only people qualified to speak on any hi-fi matter.

If you can hear the difference between a reversed bundy and a correct bundy, should should become an audio consultant. Your hearing is so finely tuned, you could make a fortune out of those mugs out there.


Mind you even 6 months burn-in can't save the cds3 from being a merely above average player :rolleyes: Still Mick can now tell us about the NEW £15K naim WORLD CONQUERING CDP he's going to be getting at the end of the year, however I suspect a 12 month Burn period would be the minimum before its full potenial would be reached :D
Did somebody mention sheep?
mick parry said:
Forget what anyone says.........can YOU tell the difference
Just answer the question. Is Paul Stephenson lying when he says the Burndy is directional.

Please read slowly

I cannot tell the difference between a normal and reversed bundy.

If others can then great but I cannot.

If PS can hear the difference, then fine, if you can hear the difference fine, I doubt if hardly any other of us can.

Personally I think a lot of it is down to auto suggestion.



So now you are saying PS is not "as mad a fish" nor a liar although he may be self deluded? I'm sure he and Roy Gregory will be pleased to hear that.

Do I also gather that you a claiming to be deaf as well? Then why spend the money on expensive hi-fi?
No idea about PS's state of mind, but RG is definitely deluded.

I always run "directional" cables the wrong way round, as a matter of principle.

-- Ian

agree about RG.

There are more dissillusioned people in HIFI than there are dissillusioned children at woolworths Santa's Grotto.

I was trying to be diplomatic but you are forcing my hand,

PS is a highly trained professional who can more than likely hear a difference.

You and I...........well I will leave to to guess.


It is nice that we agree, you will one day be the replica of me, so Mrs Tone has a treat in store.



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