We went back to my silver and gold; just not quite the same thing.
Believe me it would have suited me for the result ot have been different.
brizonbiovizor, why do you not use bell wire as your IC? Whilst your cabling is cheap, is it a step up from the free wire you are handed with basic equipment. £ 50 each, isnt the cheapest you can purchase surely? Is it the screening you are paying for? and if so, is this not similar to employing a more expensive cable that makes ficticious claims about sound? just curious. JCL...what is your slant on this? Might be useful to add your thoughts, rather than simply lavish praise upon briz at the end of a post. Is there something you wish to add, or is your tongue too firmly up his A****? Others, who have a different POV from Briz have posted sensibly, whilst you have just jumped in with a winking smiley face. Who says its too much logic? Im taking on board Brizs views and trying to make my mind up based on the evidence that I have come across personally. Logic means reasonong correctly. Whilst I do think briz believes what he says, Im not convinced that he is necessarily correct in his reasoning. To state that there is no difference in wires is a contradiction should he have more expensive wires than is absolutely necessary and have , for example- different wires. They would all be the same, and of the cheapest variety. unless there was need for a specific requirement, such as visual pleasure of the outer sheathing. Are your wires all the same Briz, and why did you choose the ones you have? I think we would all like to know your reasons. Would you be happy with red and white freebies? IE if I offered you a few pairs of red and white as a swap for your current wires, would you take me up on the offer?
The point here is that you sat with the seller and saw which cables you were listening to. You had been told which ones would do what. You heard what he wanted you to hear - or thought you did anyway. The easy way to do this is blind. Then you will know if you really did hear a difference or not. To date, no one has. Famously, Russ Andrews sales manager invited a group of forumites to their offices a few years ago to demonstrate the differences Kimber silver cables made. They were jaw dropping alledgedly. Under controlled conditions in his own listening room with his setup, he spectacularly failed to identify the cables. He was as shocked as no doubt you would be. This was an example of science at work. Having Pete sitting with you tapping his foot sadly is not.![]()
You seem sadly rather confused.£4 a metre is pretty cheap! I wanted low cap as that is desirable - particularly between cartridge and phono stage and I wanted good shielding. 80% of the cost went on high quality connectors - which make a difference for sound well understood engineering reasons. I consider that reasonable and the same cable is used throughout (the cable is also quad core so that it can be used for balanced operation which is why it is more expensive than bell wire). No doubt bell wire would have sounded almost identical bar the higher capacitance effects and no shielding but I would have saved just a few pounds anyway. As opposed to pay £1K per metre or more for top nordost. Big difference.
If cables make such a jaw dropping difference as hifi+claim this month they why arent the manufacturers falling over themselves to produce test results and live demonstrations at shows to shift more product? Simple - because there is nothing to show.
all of which evaporates under scientific scrutiny
By using a test that actually destroys they differences. If you know about quantum mechanics then you will know by doing an observation you can cause a change in the state of an object. I am not saying cable differences are quantum mechanical in nature just using it as an example.
You really don't seem to appreciate just how imaginative your mind can be under those circumstances. Nor did the Russ Andrews sales manager - but at least he had the courage to put his faith to the test and find out the truth for himself. Think. That could save you a fortune.
No it isnt. RF rejection can be measured don't you think?
The effect of capacitance between cartridge (as a passive device) and the phono preamp input is well understood and in accordance with scientific principles. it has nothing to do with the other cable claims being presented here.
The confusion here is yours.
DSJR is right - most dealers make most of their margin from cables - think about thatYou make a good point - there could be effects due to inadequate component design - especially earthing.
Currently there is no evidence whatsoever to support the claim that it exists other than anecdotal claims by audiphools, all of which evaporates under scientific scrutiny leaving only excuses by which they try to exempt their religion from the tests that work in every other instance in the physical world.
That's what I mean by an absolutist statement-yet around post 43 you do nod that LCR can have an effect-which I'm not disputing.
The statement that 'cables either make a difference or they don't', sadly because lcr measurement can have audible correlations means well, yes, then they do.
But it's not magic or hocus pocus and science has a reasonable but (as a theoretical physicist you will agree) not entirely complete picture of what is going on.
As for outlandish cable claims-if it sounds unbelievable it probably is.