Can We Hear Differences Between AC Power Cords?

wadia-miester said:
Pehaps Pete, you would like to try one on your Nad 300 and let us know what you think on say a week 3 test

I did have a rather thin-looking kettle lead on the S300 when I got it as stumblin (the seller) forgot to send me the stock power cable, but I was worried it might melt so I stuck the Yello from my CD player on it. Then when the stock power lead arrived I put that back in and mainly out of curiosity put the Yello back on the S500.

Couldn't say I heard any differences anywhere along the line, but then I'm deaf and stubborn :)
merlin said:
Oh go on Michael, expose them if you will. I'm sure I'm man enough not to skirt around the issue.

I wonder why another forum member decided to delete his thread? Don't you?

yeah merlin there's a couple on here been taking lessons from "CJ" and "adb" on 'tother forum
AK, you can't use those 2 letter's on here c & J without some recrimination on hfc sir, 60 lashes & say 40 hail" cables are cobblers" you'll need this avatar dino got for cj in furture :knight:
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analoguekid said:
CJ's alright really

Jeez man! I thought that read "CJ's always right" the first time I read it :eek:

Indeed a number of the AWB seem to be from Scotland. There's that old stereotype popping up again.
merlin said:
I wonder why another forum member decided to delete his thread? Don't you?
It was deleted immediately after your last post on the thread where you basically went off on a foul mouthed rant directed at tones. I'm assuming that had something to do with it. I was in the process of deleting your post at the time but the the thread itself was deleted before I had a chance.

analoguekid said:
yeah merlin there's a couple on here been taking lessons from "CJ" and "adb" on 'tother forum
What's that supposed to mean? I can't see it has any connection to the post of merlin's which you quoted :confused:

It wasn't directed just at Tones ;)

I'd have thought he'd have had quite enough of being ritually humiliated by the forum's entertainers prior to my intervention Michael, but I guess you wouldn't see that would you :rolleyes:

Still ducking the issue I see :D
Sir Galahad said:
We can only regret that no more tests of the kind are conducted and their results so candidly publicized. It would put to rest quite a few irrelevant debates and arguments. ;)

I apologize for quoting myself, but this apparently was a very stupid comment on my part, as we can all see that the test in question has had the exact opposite effect :confused:
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Exactly Sir Galahad.

Some claim it proves their point. Others that it is flawed. No one is going to switch opinions except perhaps the very easily influenced.

So you won't see sensible debate here - the insults start flying too quickly.
michaelab said:
What's that supposed to mean? I can't see it has any connection to the post of merlin's which you quoted :confused:


the last part of merlins post I quoted mike, maybe he deleted his post as he was fed up with the ridiculing of those that will not hear :)
merlin said:
I'd have thought he'd have had quite enough of being ritually humiliated by the forum's entertainers prior to my intervention Michael, but I guess you wouldn't see that would you :rolleyes:
As the admin I can still view the thread in question ;) and the first reply was by julian2002 who made a sarcastic post mocking the objectivists, to which tones replied with a sarcastic comment mocking the subjectivists. The only other post of any substance before yours was by wolfgang just taking tones's post a bit further.

I'd hardly call it ritual humiliation :rolleyes:

the insults start flying too quickly
It's invariably the subjectivists who quickly resort to insults and generally lowering the debate to the point of worthlessness.

well, im happy with my cables. I am happy with 'my' knowledge that they have improved my system.
I am happy that other people dont see an improvement with different cables.

No point arguing anymore, we all know where others stand.

If cable believers accept some dont and vice versa - wouldnt the world be lovely:)
michaelab said:
It's invariably the subjectivists who quickly resort to insults Michael.

Of course it is Michael isn't it :rolleyes:

Really depends how you define insult I guess.

If you can't post about your genuine delight at upgrading your musical pleasure without some entrenched knobcheese taking the piss, what's to debate?

Same thing on the other foot with Berry! At least we tried politely, through constructive debate, to advise that maybe he was rooting the wrong type of Sheila before we had a feed.

I guess our poster has decided to take flight. If I was to blame then I am genuinely sorry. But I doubt that to be the case. Most people wouldn't leave something like that up there just so ijids could take potshots
It's invariably the subjectivists who quickly resort to insults and generally lowering the debate to the point of worthlessness.

Well of course it is!

If you were continually being told its all in your head and you are imagining things, then I am sure after a while you'd get a bit pissed off as well.
analoguekid said:
Too late dev, i've already pay palled him :)
Oh sorry guys.
Thinking about it, I'm really too ashamed of selling such ugly cables. I told Rita this morning to put them in the bin.

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