Can We Hear Differences Between AC Power Cords?

What's wrong with adb anyway? I don't read HFC much, but he seems an intelligent and level-headed sort of poster.

-- Ian
So do I have agreement that the best way to spend £10K on a hifi is a pair of ATC100ASL's and an i-Pod?
Ya-Boo said:
titian said:
I'm really too ashamed of selling such ugly cables.

Titian could you please list your cable's........just interested
I'm too embarrassed. :shame:
Couldn't find anything more expensive since psychologically more expensive = better :newbie: :cry:
I didn't even test them (why should have I?) :newbie: :cry:
I looked at them on the prospectuses, saw the price and got in love with them. :newbie: :cry:

:cry: :cry: :cry:
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titian said:
I'm too embarrassed. :shame:
Couldn't find anything more expensive since psychologically more expensive = better :newbie: :cry:
I didn't even test them (why should have I?) :newbie: :cry:
I looked at them on the prospectuses, saw the price and got in love with them. :newbie: :cry:

:cry: :cry: :cry:

Do we detect a mild hint of sarcasm there titian?
michaelab said:
the first reply was by julian2002 who made a sarcastic post mocking the objectivists, to which tones replied with a sarcastic comment mocking the subjectivists.

Oh, I don't know - I thought Julian's post was a light-hearted poke at the objectivists, to which I replied in similar vein. I wouldn't have called either sarcastic.

Anyway, I am never humiliated, ritually or otherwise, as I'm sure my opinions don't humiliate anyone else. I simply don't take hi-fi and what's said on forums that seriously, and I respect the right of the cable believers to believe, as hopefully they respect my right to think the converse. And if they don't, as Clark said to Vivienne in the last reel of "Gone with the Wind"...
analoguekid said:
Do we detect a mild hint of sarcasm there titian?
No, to tell the truth quite often I ask myself if I wasn't stupid to buy them.
On the other hand when I now listen to my system I really don't care how much I paid for it.

About main cables, I really do hear differences between the Fadel Coherence and the Silent Cords from Walker Audio. On the high frequencies there is a great difference but I'm not sure which is better even if the price difference is very much.
If I listen to classical music I recognize the difference but with other genres not sure.
Well anyway who cares. :)
I cheered up a bit :D
merlin said:
It wasn't directed just at Tones ;)

You being horrid to a humble, imperfect devotee of HOBBY, Merlin? How could you? I am devastated. I shall get my watering can back in at once.
merlin said:
So do I have agreement that the best way to spend £10K on a hifi is a pair of ATC100ASL's and an i-Pod?

Yes. :)

Either an ipod or an elcheapo DVD player + Benchmarkmedia DAC1 (because of it's built in preamp..)
merlin said:
Really depends how you define insult I guess.
How about "some entrenched knobcheese taking the piss"?

mikehit, the article you've linked to is a curious mixture of the very thoughtful and enlightening (Leventhal's elegant and simple statistical analyses) and the irresponsibly moronic (Stereophile editorial's wilful misinterpretation of Leventhal to suit their own agenda). It's well worth reading Leventhal's contribution though - based on his paper "How Conventional Statistical Analyses Can Prevent Finding Audible Differences In Listening Tests" - provided you ignore what Stereophile adds at the top and bottom of it.

analoguekid, not to bring cross-forum arguments here, but I think it's fair to say that most of the sceptics are just as ready to defend their own points of view as anyone else - if you think anything adb says isn't correct on the grounds of being unduly sceptical, for crying out loud say so and explain why, then perhaps the debate can move forwards rather than festering. :)
as all previous thread on the subject of cables sounding 'better' have degenerated into flame wars i thought i'd poke a bit of fun at the whole thing. obviously this was the wrong thing to do and some egos got fractured. i'd have hoped that those involved would have been a bit more robust however to anyone who feels they are owed them - my appologies.

PeteH said:
analoguekid, not to bring cross-forum arguments here, but I think it's fair to say that most of the sceptics are just as ready to defend their own points of view as anyone else - if you think anything adb says isn't correct on the grounds of being unduly sceptical, for crying out loud say so and explain why, then perhaps the debate can move forwards rather than festering. :)

FGS I meant the CJ adb remark as a little jest, as others on this forum know them quite well, I have no axe to grind with either of them, in fact I actually get on well with both of them and have nothing but the utmost respect for them. Hope this clears things up.
analoguekid said:
FGS I meant the CJ adb remark as a little jest, as others on this forum know them quite well, I have no axe to grind with either of them, in fact I actually get on well with both of them and have nothing but the utmost respect for them. Hope this clears things up.
Fair enough. You do sometimes see people being resented for the views they hold though, and on occasion it seems like it's because they're right rather than because they're wrong.

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