CD Stoplight (green pen)

Originally posted by penance
Im not arguing, not tried one, but i do keep an open mind:)
I gather your mind has been opened considerably in the last month or so :)


ps. so has mine :shame:
bit longer than that Chris:)

Been opened more today aswell, just taken delivery of a mosquito.
Its doing a stirling job between CDp and pre.
So CDp is Omiga'd right up!

We have BASS and body again:D
Originally posted by penance
bit longer than that Chris:)

Been opened more today aswell, just taken delivery of a mosquito.
Its doing a stirling job between CDp and pre.
Good stuff. WM wants me to try a Mosquito to see what my system makes of it. What were you using before? So far my ATC seems to be immune to changes of interconnect. Then again the D102mkIII is a good interconnect to start with and isn't cheap.

My new mains cables are on their way. Shame the CD player is acting up. I may have to wait a while before I can enjoy them.
Alright you lot... argueing as usual!

Here's my findings...

I heard no difference with the green pen on Issacs system but on WM (Tony) system there was an improvement. All of this is subjective of course but I'm THE most sceptical person you'll meet! and not convinced by anything other than my ears.

IMHO you must have a very high resolution system to notice the difference. It may just be what equipment you're using. I usually notice less difference between cables etc. on my system which bounces trebble all over the place (bi-polar).

Well enough blabbing on, for those of you that hear no difference and those of you who claim you do, well who cares anyway!!!

Cheers, Tim
Originally posted by liamjf
Chris, you still got that pen?
I could be a tweak beliver, then again it might be all bollocks, I'll maybe just wait and see what evryone else thinks ;) :D

Cheers, Liam.

Hi, yeah I think so. I'll dig around for it and PM you if I locate it.

Its not a genuine one, but a near-identical one from an art shop. Still interested?

Looks like this pen might be hard to get hold of soon, if anyone has seen the latest Audiophile candy mail brochure thingy that should have arrived today or yesterday. The company making them are in financial troubles.
Hi IndyAudi,

What price for one? I'm thinking about trying one of these on my system. (I'm in the UK)

Thanks, Tim
Hang on a minute here.

As of yet, no one has claimed that the composition of the ink itself is the reason for the alleged improvement.

Bearing this in mind, surely the fact you cant get the original version should not be an issue. Just buy a green felt tipped pen in Smith's for about a quid.:confused:
Originally posted by stebbo
Hang on a minute here.

As of yet, no one has claimed that the composition of the ink itself is the reason for the alleged improvement.

Bearing this in mind, surely the fact you cant get the original version should not be an issue. Just buy a green felt tipped pen in Smith's for about a quid.:confused:

From what I could gather, the pens claims are that its green, and that light cant get through it.

A normal green marker would let the light through, so wouldnt cut it.

These pens are the sort of pens that greengrocers use to write ''cabbages 50p a pound'' on their glass windows with..

about 4-5 quid from an art shop.

NB Still havent found it yet, will let u know liam.
Originally posted by bottleneck
From what I could gather, the pens claims are that its green, and that light cant get through it.

A normal green marker would let the light through, so wouldnt cut it.

These pens are the sort of pens that greengrocers use to write ''cabbages 50p a pound'' on their glass windows with..

about 4-5 quid from an art shop.

NB Still havent found it yet, will let u know liam.
Did you miss something out of your post.? It doesnt make sense.

The first two sentences say the same thing:confused:
Must confess, I did have an idea a while back of buying a CD Stoplight Pen out of my own pocket and circulating it around to those interested in testing it out - much like what Tones did with the Densen De-Magic CD.

Maybe if you have a spare one IndyAudi we could circulate that around to those forum members interested in taking part? :) I'll kick off a new thread if that's feasible.
Hi IA,

Well, I guess we'll see what Tim thinks, although if he likes it he'll probably want to keep it to himself so that he can treat his entire CD collection! ;)


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