
Thank Tension for your guide.

The Echoloft forum provide great entertainment!

I love it.

I'll visit the forum more often if I need a laugh.
Some China Made products information:

Vincent (German)- Shungya (China)
Red Rose Music (USA) amplifier - Korsun
Red Rose Music (USA) speaker - Aurum Cantus
Airtight (Japan) ??

China brand that established in Europe &/OR USA:
Opera Consonance
Mingda/Meixing (OEM for a lot of brand)
HiVi or Swan (Totem Forest use their driver, Burmester top speaker use their ribbon tweeter)
Acrum Cantus

Brands/Companies that FDI/OEM in China:
NAD, Rotel, KEF, Quad, ,Whardefedale, Philips, Pioneer, Yamaha, Marantz, Jolida, Tri, Celestion, VIFA........and the lists just keep extended......

China brand that yet to be explored by ....
Original, Classic, Zell, Bada, Elite, Bole, A Li, Forwar, PIR, XLH and many more....

The product quality & design has been improved dynamically for the past few years. In the month of July alone, three audio related exhibitions are held in Guangzhou alone.

A visit to China Guangdong province for a week or so will be great eye opener Guangdong alone contributed to about 90% of domestic production on audio related product.
Well I've had a korsun v8i (Red Rose affirmation) in my system for about 3 months now. The build quality is best that I have seen the sheer weight of the amp is testament to this. I'm more than happy with the sonic capabilities of the amp and I'm now looking to pickup some aurum cantus speakers.
have a look at the latest hf+ this month. there's a big feature on this stuff and a lot of reviews of some of the kit mentioned.

I have never heard any Chinese designed speakers as far as I know, but I have to admit they are the one thing I would be cautious of.

Speakers are extremely difficult to design well and need lots of resources like anechoic chambers and measurement microphones as well as pure experience. Built in China fine, but speakers designed in China... I dunnooo....

Anyone care to comment on this?
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Tenson said:
Speakers are extremely difficult to design well and need lots of resources like anechoic chambers and measurement microphones as well as pure experience. Built in China fine, but speakers designed in China... I dunnooo....

Anyone care to comment on this?

Lets look at this another way. I would like some of you in the audio industry to comment on this. How many of British hifi companies other then B&W perhaps has their own or excess to an anechoic chamber?

China has been a sleeping power house. There are people in that country who have the knowledge to built anything from rockets to nuclear power station but the politicians manage to nicely to kept the majority of the population in the dark ages. However, after some relaxation in the politics the population seems to progress in the last 3-5 years what that the rest of us 30-50 years to develop in technology and business.

If some one claim just a few years back that they could see in their crystal ball that a chinese company is going to take over Quad and Tag MacLaren Audio would have believe it?
My grandfather used to always quote (i think fri=om the bible) "The yellow race will rule the world" if he could see what's going on he would have said I told you so, think we have to get with the program in the new world order.
wolfgang said:
Lets look at this another way. I would like some of you in the audio industry to comment on this. How many of British hifi companies other then B&W perhaps has their own or excess to an anechoic chamber?
I believe that most of us use impulse testing, setting the gating to include only the direct response. Frequency responses, waterfall plots, etc. are then generated from these tests.

I would measure in an anechoic chamber if I had access to one but doubt if it would provide anything extra of any value.

Does it work for B&W?
7_V said:
... doubt if it would provide anything extra of any value.

Does it work for B&W?

Hahaha.. thats true!

I know Monitor Audio have one and I think PMC do too.
Tenson said:
I have never heard any Chinese designed speakers as far as I know, but I have to admit they are the one thing I would be cautious of.

Speakers are extremely difficult to design well and need lots of resources like anechoic chambers and measurement microphones as well as pure experience. Built in China fine, but speakers designed in China... I dunnooo....

Anyone care to comment on this?

I'd like to know what you base this on? :confused:

Are you saying that they don't have any methods of scientifically measuring and testing speakers anywhere in China? And that if they don't then designing them by ear is going to produce a terrible sounding speaker?
It's just that it's very expensive so I wouldn't think many places in China would be willing to invest that much into it. Nothing wrong with doing it by ear, but I imagine it takes a huge amount of experience and trial and error. A lot of the British brands have been around for over 10 years and far more getting it right. China has not been at it too long so that's why I would be cautious.

Of course if I heard some that sounded good I would not have any problem with buying them!

I wouldn't doubt that before very long we will be seeing world-class speakers coming from China. They certianly do a fine job manufactruing foerign designed speakers (the Quads for starters). It doesn't seem too mcuh of a stretch to ove to design. I bet the Chinese government will be prove helpful in providing facilities and University researchers, too.
The home market for 2-ch audio there seems very buoyant - and this is always good for local manufacturers.
actually, anyone with half a brain could design an excellent speakers, so
no-brainer now are the superb programs which do it all for you.
You just select your woofer, decide on cabinet size, match your tweeter, and then use a xover optimizer to get the response.
Then you just tweak cabinet size, port and xover to suit your ear/room.
Speaker design in a nutshell.
To actually DESIGN drive units does take more, but even now there are programs for those.
I see what tensen is saying, speakers ARE the most individual of components, and do take a good ear and experience to get right. ( having heard awful chinese pop music, I woudln't trust their ears by and large...gross generalization :D )
For that reason, I would favour those with a kind of legacy, say danish or british ones, that are established.
What puzzles me is that proac manage to get all their speakers to sound largely similar, and lo. the xovers are largley similar.
There must be more to it than that, tho', as the woofers are so different, I would've thought that would change the sound, also, I tweaked a xover myself, on some hifi world kit spx, with nice audax drive units,
and couldn't get it right, or sound that much different, at first I thought it was the xover, then the drive units that 'sets' the sound, now I don't have a bloody clue,
so maybe I don't know anything after all.( a little knowledge is a dangerous thing) I will eat humble pie,
:D or maybe bacon and egg tart,
or a yorkshire tart :D
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Lt Cdr Data said:
actually, anyone with half a brain could design an excellent speakers, so
no-brainer now are the superb programs which do it all for you.
You just select your woofer, decide on cabinet size, match your tweeter, and then use a xover optimizer to get the response.
Then you just tweak cabinet size, port and xover to suit your ear/room.
Speaker design in a nutshell.
After you've used the 'superb programs' and done all the things described above you then use the other half of your brain to design your speakers.

These days, speaker design doesn't end with a computer, it starts there.
Oh come on Steve, we all know you just plugged in the thiele-small parameters of your dinky drivers into a computer to calculate the box volume and then just stuffed them into pretty looking cabinets to give a high WAF. Job done. A couple of hours work tops.
Robbo said:
Oh come on Steve, we all know you just plugged in the thiele-small parameters of your dinky drivers into a computer to calculate the box volume and then just stuffed them into pretty looking cabinets to give a high WAF. Job done. A couple of hours work tops.
There blows my cover. Actually, while I'm being honest, the couple of hours included tea and cigarette breaks. Oh, and I didn't have any T/S parameters. Just guessed. Shucks. Oh shit, might as well tell the whole story. A friend came round and she did it. Well, not exactly a friend but...
actually, I will have everyone know I have an old HIFI choice mag, with none other than a pair of 7V speakers in it, reviewed by none other than PMessenger, who gave them a good recommendation, 10 yrs ago. 7V spx are no spring chickens.

what happened with the review BTW, Steve, did they get written up?, the story went dead...
Hope P.M. is recovering after his heart attack.
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