I want a Linn - in a DB9
The Hi-Fi Choice review was September 1990 as I recall. The new range was reviewed in Hi-Fi+ issue 29 - a pdf version is on the web site. Since then there has been some tuning and internal rewiring and the prices have come down. Things are going pretty well at the moment and I'm about to sell a pair of ex-demo Nonsuch 4s - the review samples as used at Bristol and Heathrow - on eBay.Lt Cdr Data said:actually, I will have everyone know I have an old HIFI choice mag, with none other than a pair of 7V speakers in it, reviewed by none other than PMessenger, who gave them a good recommendation, 10 yrs ago. 7V spx are no spring chickens.
what happened with the review BTW, Steve, did they get written up?, the story went dead...
Hope P.M. is recovering after his heart attack.
PM seemed recovered when I saw him - nice guy.
BTW: There's a pair of the original System IVs up and running in Shrewsbury.
...and getting back to the thread... so anyway, the call girl was Chinese.