Currently Spinning

I am currently listening to

Pet Shop Boys - Pop Art.

I am really surprised. I bought it off the cuff as I knew that I liked a couple of their songs, but the whole album is very good and I would really recommend it. Very uplifting and perfect for spring/summer.

On Vinyl:

Preemtive Strike - DJ Shadow

On CD:

Lost Legends of Surf Guitar Vol. 3 - Various
MOJO Music Guide Vol. 3 Raw Soul - Various
MOJO Music Guide Vol. 2 Roots of Hip Hop - Various
Nice one BL21DE3, everything you've posted I either own or have it on my mental 'to buy' list. Whats the poets of rhythm album like?
MO, I saw Killa Kela live at the bboy world champs a couple of years ago...amazing the album any good?

Bonobo - Animal Magic
Cinematic Orchestra - Every Day
Lyrics Born - Later that Day
Bod Dylan - Blood On The Tracks

Heavymental, if you've heard the track I Changed My Mind by Lyrics Born (on the Quannum Spectrum CD) the Poets of Rhythm were the backing band. Their album is certainly worth checking out if you're into funk/soul and like people like Jimmy Smith etc..
Yeah that Quannum album is pretty special and I Changed My Mind is a definite stand out track. Sounds like I might have to check out the Poets Of Ryhthm album. I guess to be honest anything from the Quannum stable won't dissapoint.

Also....anyone who hasn't seen the film documentary 'Scratch' should really make an effort to get it, its a brilliant film about the birth of the turntable scratch and the history of djing and turntablism. Watch you don't get overinspired and mess up all your rare wax and burn out the motor on your audiophile TT! Its truly a great film though, really well made, funny and watchable. I managed 4 viewings the first weekend I had it.
Heavymental, yep Scratch is well worth watching if you're into turntabilism/hip hop. My brother bought me a copy for my birthday a couple of years ago. If you've not already, pick up a copy of the soundtrack. I got mine for the princely sum of 10p in the stock clearance at my local record shop.

And just to stay on topic....

Demolition Pumpkin Squeeze Musik - DJ QBert
Your Face Or Your Kneecaps - RJD2
Scratch (OST) - Various
Celebration - The Best of Kool & The Gang (1979-1987)

Bloody good if you skip the overplayed/overrated 'Celebration', which thankfully is the first track on the CD.
On CD:-
Soul Dressing - Booker T & The MGs

On Vinyl:-
Abbey Road - The Beatles
My father's original 1969 copy, which still sounds suprisingly good after all these years.
Originally posted by voodoo
cause all my CD's are boxed up :cry: .

Yup, know how you feel.

For two weeks I've been listening to the same 3 CDs on a walkman with teeeny weeny speakers.

Demo'ed a pair of speakers on Sunday. Was asked if I had any orchestral stuff. Well after 5 minutes of box shifting and much slitting of parcel tape I emerged triumphant from the shed at the far end of the garden with Vaughan Williams Sym. 3 & 5 :D

Hope the move goes OK Steve, mine was bad enough just going 6 miles:rolleyes:
Cheers Jeff :) .

Picked up the tickets today (turns out I saved 500Euros by buying return flights instead of singles :rolleyes: ) and everything is set for next Tuesday :( .

Good thing is, the missus has told me my first job, when the boxes arrive, is to have the hi_fi hooked up and ready to roll :D .

Can't wait to see the removal guys lifting the CD boxes for the first time :D.

Can't get enough of Bonnie Prince Billy's Greatest Palace Music at the mo.......... and Explosions In The Sky's The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place has an atmosphere about it that's dark but kinda cool and funky too.........check out Josh Ritter's Hello Starling for some mellow vocals and Beautiful Conniston's Bic Runga if ya like sweet melodic female stuff.
Going out today to get.......

Squarepusher - Ultravisitor
Adem - Homesongs
The Necks - Drive By
David Byrne - Grown Backwards
Andrew Bird - Weather Systems
Max Richter - The Blue Notebooks

Will report on those laters muchachos....... :MILD:
John Zorn, Masada Live in Middelheim, 1999.

I know I bang on about Zorn, but f**k me, this is a fantastic record, even by his standards. This is the Masada quartet (with Dave Douglas, Greg Cohen and Joey Baron), recorded live in 1999 after 6 months of not playing together, with no rehearsal prior to the gig, and is completely astonishing from start to finish. Mostly played fast and furious (with exceptions, like a beautiful version of Ne'eman), the whole group is on top form. Excellent live recording too. Group improvisation at its finest, everyone should buy a copy immediately.

-- Ian
Jackson Browne - Running on Empty

Just dug out my 25 yo vinyl copy and gave it a spin. Hadn't listened for years. Not a bad track on the album (Stay - the most popular song is the weakest!)

Great piano by JB and backing band David Lindley, Russell Kunkel, Danny Kortchmar and Leland Sklar were pretty slick.

Mostly live recordings and great quality too. Doesn't sound too overproduced.

Counting Crows - August and Everything After

Their first and their best by some way. Fantastic songs, fantastic musicians, and the whole album was recorded in live takes.

Joni Mitchell - Ladies of the Canyon (Remastered)

My current favourite of the Joni albums - interesting instrumentation, amazing songwriting and vocals. An album i can play right through and then put it back on again as soon as it finishes!

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