Currently Spinning

The Klaxons-Myths of the near future...
Piss poor recording but worth a listen to anyone who was part of the early 90's rave scene.

Bloc Party-A weekend in the city...
Great indie bands second album
Family "Anyway". I'm on a nostalgia trip. It was never off the tt at college.

First 'proper' band I ever saw. Turned up as late replacement for a Four Tops type band at a school dance in the outbacks of Northants...Charlie Whitney had an interest in the Leicester agency both belonged to so I guess he needed to fulfill the contract. Wow!!! Mind blowing. Coulnd't dance to them though.
Stan Getz - The Final Concert Recording - Brilliant as ever - so laid back that if the music was not so entertaining or involving you'd float away in a deep sleep! This is definitely my favourite play at the moment, being live too is a bonus - Wish I had been there!!!
I've been sorting through a load of records and deciding which ones to get rid off and came accross my early stones collection on original vinyl. I have The Rolling Stones, Out of Our Heads and Beggars Banquet. I've not really played them before as when I first span them they seemed very crackly and thin on the first track. So much so that I declared them unlistable. However, they do seem to sound alot better after a few minutes listening. Maybe just getting used to the poor quality or maybe the outside of the pressing was poorer quality?

Anyway, they're very good albums. I also own Steel Wheels, Black and Blue, Undercover and Some Girls and the odd track aside they don't seem very good albums at all. Got to stick with the early stuff I've concluded. I have Aftermath on CD and thats a great album.

Anyone want to buy Steel Wheels, Black and Blue and Undercover off me?! Think I'll keep Some Girls cus the cover's so good!
Aerosmith - A Little South of Sanity
superb album
And they will be in Paris in June (one night only), can't wait
Some Kompakt stuff on vinyl --


Also on vinyl --

The new Air and Arcade Fire albums. Rather liking both so for.
The libertines-Up the bracket.

Thought i'd lost this ages ago...seems it fell down the back of a drawer.
Very lo -fi and gritty but some great tracks on here(IMO).
Shame Pete Doherty lost the plot. I thought he was rather talented.
Annie Lennox - Eurythmics

Guess I must be on a 70s trip at the moment enjoying the multi layered sounds that Annie Lennox so wonderfully weaves on her early stuff - Love is a stranger in an open car - what a line!!

Also playing earlier, Cream, John Wesley HArding and Sgt Peppers - all from 67.....
Todays listening has been a few recent purchases, and some from over the last few MOnths. There's some good stuff coming out lately...

Patrick Wolf "The Magic Position". Not completely convinced by this yet. But it's growing and certainly worth a listen.

The Bees "Octopus". As said in the thread elsewhere, I'm loving this! Reminds me of the Beta Band with a bit MOre funk.

The Klaxons "Myths of the near future". Bought this, lent it out, just got it back!

And currently... I've been listening to just about everything I can find online from Simian MObile Disco! Album's out 18th June. To quote their myspace comment
"Sounds Like: good, old fashioned, analogue party music"
Google them for various odds and ends or go to their homepage

edit. Having found myself smiling everytime I hear "Thou Shalt Always Kill" by Dan Le Sac v Scroobius Pip, I've been searching for MOre from them in both their collaborative form and not.
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Bought the new Kings of Leon album entitled "Because of the times" today. Bit different to their previous stuff but on first impressions i quite like (most of) it.
Worth a listen....
If you like that sort of thing
:guitar: :drum:
Chiaroscuro- Arve Henriksen

2004 Rune gramofon album. Like his other work- fragile- hauntingly beautiful and minimalist.

Rune Gramofon dot com is also the home of bands like Biospere and is woth a look- and before the moderator chips in- no I don't have any involvement with this label- but Manfred Eicher does


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3 ebay purchases turned up this MOrning :)

Was - Bob Dylan "MOdern Times"
Got the version with the DVD so I'll give that a viewing later. One or two tracks that caught my attention, but MOst of it passed me by.

Currently - Martina Topley-Bird "Quixotic"
No idea why this has took me so long to get! Was looking forward to this when it came out but seems it slipt my mind. Anyhow, sounds good so far. For those who don't know she's the woman who done the vocals on Tricky's "Maxinquaye" album and others.
There's some Trickyesque sounding MOments, and a nice mix of styles. Quite a soulfull album and making an instant impression :)

Next - Smashing Pumpkins "Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness"
Part of my attempt to re-purchase some of the what must be about 100 or so albums that have gone walkies.
I've been giving the Pulp album His and Hers quite a few spins recently. As I have ever since I first bought it. I can't say enough good things about it, I just think thats its a fantastic album. I'd always preferred it to Different Class but I gave that a spin last night and realised how good that is too. A bit late I suppose but I think I was put off by the overplaying of Common People and Disco 2000 before. Its only now I realise that everything in between those big singles is great aswell. I've just bought This Is Hardcore to complete my collection of the big selling studio albums from them. Anyone know if any of the earlier stuff is any good. I see there are some earlier albums but I'm not sure whether to bother.

I haven't bought or listened to any "eai" for a while.

This is the kind of recording that reminds me what listening is all about, and why i find this kind of music compelling.

"I use a microphone and a pair of headphones for my performance. Although headphones are often thought of as devices for 'listening' to music, for me, they are instruments for 'performing'. In my performances, headphones are not used as objects that exclude outside sounds and cut off the spatial dimensions of the performance site, but rather, objects that work with the space itself. Sound enters through the microphones and exits via headphones, but this is not necessarily a unidirectional path. A sound will occur spontaneously by creating the entrance and exit. By holding and operating the headphones as output devices, I interfere, observe and sometimes even ignore the sound during my performance. The three sound-resonance pieces on this CD are the recordings of such live performances."

Mitsuhiro Yoshimura
Had a brief Pink Floyd revival this week, having bought Meddle and Atom Heart Mother at the car boot last weekend for a quid a pop. Lots of good stuff, but a fair quantity of arse folded in tbh. Still, AHM managed to provide me with brief periods of calm this morning despite two young chillun competing with the music for my attention, little buggers :D .