Dream Theater - Awake
Neil Young unplugged - Old Laughing Lady Jon Brion - Peer Pressure (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind soundtrack)
Beck - Jackass - Live acoustic, Santa Barbara (youtube) gentle, stripped-down version without sampling
soundtrack by Sam Hooper for the 2007 documentary Beautiful Young Minds by Morgan Matthews music can be heard on Vimeo Beautiful Young Minds (a 3 minute 45 second excerpt from the documentary) I think the music works brilliantly for the scenes here. I wish the documentary would be released on dvd.
On a number of Youtube sites, one being 'The Two Cellists' where two guys play together on this level viewers have taken it to mean they're gay. Who cares? Why can't straight men make love to each other with music? Doesn't mean they want to have sex with each other. On the other hand, as a gay man myself watching these two, I can understand why people might imagine they might take turns at being yang and yin. Anyhow, it would give an entire new meaing to 'Tao Inception'.