Originally posted by merlin
If you aren't going to surprise us all by bringing something useful and constructive to the forum, why don't you just crawl up your uncle's rsole and wither to a prune.
The only importance I attach to DBT BT and all the rest of it is to shut aurally challenged ameoba like your pathetic self up for good.
Are you capable of being constructive DUDE or just a CJ croney with hifi aspirations seeping from your odourous armpits?
Ah Merlin,
It's just as well that I was only drinking water (and not coffee) when I read your post as I spat out the water in my mouth all over my keyboard as I was laughing so much at your post above.

The last time I read such comments was on the school playground - oh, happy days. You may have your head stuck right up inside your *rse and you may be an arrogant and pompous tw*t but your one redeeming feature is that you are hilarious. I've never laughed so much reading your comments dude - no joke.
What is a joke however is your mention of the word 'constructive' in your post. If there is anyone on this forum who should be contructive it should be you. You ridicule everything and everyone whose views and preferences don't sit well with your inflated ego and even go on to pick fights with distributors like Audiofreaks who don't see things your way and then rush to forums like these to cry wolf at being allegedly threatened whilst neglecting to give the full story of what actually happened between you two. This has been your stock-in-trade on these forums and maybe it's time to take your own advice for a change and try being constructive.
When I posted about the CD/DAC player tests that I held at my home under sighted and LBT conditions, you were not being constructive in your comments were you? Instead, you commented that I was being a bore to everyone by publishing details of my CDP tests (which were no different to others on the forum) the only difference being that my final tests were done 'blind'. IIRC, you even went further to say that as a result of my post, I had become the subject of private jokes amongst forum members, another comment which had me splitting my rib-cages with laughter. So you want to talk about being constructive? Get a life dude.
Originally posted by Robbo
I am sure you are a decent enough guy when meeting face to face, but you come across as a bit of a tosser on forums like this, I am afraid. Perhaps you should look at your posting style.
Hey Robbo,
Was that post meant for me or for Merlin.

Anyway, just don't sweat it out Robbo, it's only hifi and an internet forum at the end of the day but you are right though, I am one of the most decent, well balanced and friendly individuals you'll ever hope to meet - honest.

My radar just pointed to the lack of comment from you on this topic that's all.
As for my posting style, well I'm sure you'll get used to it someday, WM has.
Enjoy the music,