Hi, [QUOTE=pidge22]have finally got round to upgrading my cables and would appreciate advice on "does the Digital Interconnect make a difference"?[/QUOTE] They do make a difference, for many reasons. Unless your Kit has BNC connectors and is corrctly designed for 75 Ohm Input impedance (practically nothing is) the most important parameter is the length of the cable.I personally tend towards very short cables. If you can stay in the 10"-12" long region the cable is short enough that with high quality coax cable (eg Maplin sourced FT/CT-100 with decent low metal content RCA plugs) with good propagation speed the reflections arrive quickly enough to not mess up the leading edge of the signal. If you cannot be very short it becomes essential to be very long. You need to make the cable long enough that any reflection falls outside the trigger window of the receiver, usually that menas around 2 - 3m much depends on propagation speed, in effect you need to "tune" the cable length, preferably with a high speed o'scope in attendance. I find this hard work and therefore go for short cables. Any other issues are very secondary if not tertiary, BUT if the cable has the wrong length (eg. the common 1...2m) the unavoidable reflections in the system fall within the trigger window and different cables can sound very different, simply because they make a large difference to the jitter levels. Ciao T