1.Do cables make a difference ? Yes but not in the way you think
2.Which cables make the most difference? See below percentages
As a percentage what difference does best cable make ?
Mains................. 10%
Digital.................. 0%
3.Have cables ever made your system sound worse? Yes
4.Idealogically cables can't make a difference ? No
5.Have you ever tried any after market cables ? Yes and they went back after the so called "burn in" period
6.What IC cables do you use? Home Design and Made.
7. If you were to rate your system were would it fall.
High end...........X....................low fi
8. And an indication of system worth
2.Which cables make the most difference? See below percentages
As a percentage what difference does best cable make ?
Mains................. 10%
Digital.................. 0%
3.Have cables ever made your system sound worse? Yes
4.Idealogically cables can't make a difference ? No
5.Have you ever tried any after market cables ? Yes and they went back after the so called "burn in" period
6.What IC cables do you use? Home Design and Made.
7. If you were to rate your system were would it fall.
High end...........X....................low fi
8. And an indication of system worth