> 1.Do cables make a difference ?
under certain circumstances, if Y/N - Y
> 2.Which cables make the most difference?
> IC's/Mains/speaker
Depends on system context, usually speakercables, then interconnects.
> As a percentage what difference does best cable make ?
The best cables make no difference, the worst a big one, a negative one.
> 3.Have cables ever made your system sound worse?
Most of the time.
> 4.Idealogically cables can't make a difference ? yes/no
Ideology is mental muder, I'm not into snuff.
> 5.Have you ever tried any after market cables ?
> 6.What IC cables do you use? Out of the box/
> DIY / After market/ Custom made.
> 7. If you were to rate your system were would it fall.
> High end................................low fi
> 8. And an indication of system worth
Monetary value, somewhere between £10,000 to £ 20,000, depending what's in it. Right now somewhere in the opper part, but much of it bis DIY/Prototypes which means at strict retail it's a lot more.
I would suggest that the issues with cables are mainly due to unfortunate choices in implementing interfaces.
For example comparing Pro Audio +20dbu, balanced, low impedance and ideally transformercoupled on the output (and ideally even input) side to -10dbv unbalanced consumer connections makes literally any cable effects AT LEAST 28db more in magnitude.
If we include the effects of impedance, the nature of the unbalanced connection which mixes ground- and signalreturn conductors in one and all the rest we likey get as much as 40db - 50db greater likelyhood of cable effects intruding in consumer systems compare to pro audio.
Anyway, just a sidenote. Cables are a system thing so much more than virtually any thing else, excepting possibly vibration "tweaks".
Ciao T