I see loads of arguments back and forth .....do you selves a favour, those that don't believe have a listen to the previously mentioned cd. If you can be bother, don't bother posting ! It seems we have the same old naysayer's telling us something can't exist when patiently it does, is repeatable and easily proved.
Did anyone hear the BBC Radio 4 the Archers ...yes yes I know! but last nights episode had a sequence in a pub wher two actors talked as if sat close to the listener, where as the back ground hubub sounded fifteen to twenty feet pushed back and to the sides. The back ground sound had almost an out of phase quality to them ....I've no idea how the engineers achieved the effect... but aspect of the back ground where pin sharp, so phasing may not have been the total method.
Its inresting to actually hear some peoples listening habits......One or two of the contributers have now stated that the listen way off axis. This actually comes as no suprise, they have in the past expressed views that are the result of none standard listening !
Garyi......a lot of the difference that you don't hear, are a dirrect result of sitting off axis. I'm not going to tell you how where when you should listen, thats not my way. But do us a favour and listen on axis and then a great deal of the things that have been discussed in the past that you have not heard or opposed may become apparent.
I've had this discussion with people on other boards.....in the past, if where not listening in the same way, its not suprising we are hearing different things even if we use the same gear.