expensive Cd Players

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by Johnny, Jun 11, 2006.

  1. Johnny


    Jan 3, 2006
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    What you're referring to is known as tweaking. I have no interest in this.

    If you're not in the London area, it's not possible.

    Why would two different 10 k pots make any difference to the measured performance of a preamp ?

    you tell me.
    Johnny, Jun 12, 2006
  2. Johnny

    3DSonics away working hard on "it"

    Sep 28, 2004
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    Planet Dirt, somewhere on it

    Actually, you received a rely, several actually, when I was not having you in my ignore list. I commonly keep an open door for ANYONE, except people whom I consider such a karmic waste of space and natural resources that I cannot be bothered with them at all.

    I have, based on your behaviour on-line and in direct PM conversation placed you in that group and hence added you to my ignore list (I'm quoting this from someone's reply to you).

    What you have evidenced in this discussion again gives me no reason to change my assesment.

    Lastly, if you have not majorly modified your Marantz CD-6000 in the digital section (and I mean major - read my article on mods to the CD-67 to get an idea) then you have a rather poor CD-Player, no matter what you do in the analog stage. GIGO.

    You may consider my last communication with you untill the wheel has turned one, though I doubt I'll meet you again shortly afterwards either, at least not in human form.

    L8er T
    3DSonics, Jun 12, 2006
  3. Johnny


    Jan 3, 2006
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    If you're coming to Heathrow this year, I'm sure I'll see you there.

    I may not have the means or the funds to design the best equipment but I have the knowledge. I have circuit schematics.

    I was hoping you would be willing to share some of your ideas on amplifier design.

    There is a thin line between genius and insanity.
    Johnny, Jun 12, 2006
  4. Johnny


    Jun 20, 2003
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    whats tweaking ??

    Actually I use my ears .........you know those flappy things God gave you to listen with.

    your mate Tim knows a thing or too about listen and not just to looking at specs. Why not ask him about it ?

    You know I thought you'd have an excuse not to take up my offer. Why am I not supprised!

    I'm sorry but if you can't tell the difference between a mediocre cdp and a top of the line dac ....how are you going to be able to tell if one component sounds better than another ?
    zanash, Jun 12, 2006
  5. Johnny

    I-S Good Evening.... Infidel

    Jun 25, 2003
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    In a world of pain
    Johnny - I don't take particularly kindly to being ignored. Please drop the aggressive attitude, it is not pleasant.

    To various other posters in this thread (hopefully you'll know who you are), please do not antagonise him, nor insult him. That is not acceptable toward any member from any member.

    I'm not convinced that leaving this thread open will serve much useful purpose.
    I-S, Jun 12, 2006
  6. Johnny

    I-S Good Evening.... Infidel

    Jun 25, 2003
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    In a world of pain
    While I appreciate the largely light-hearted nature of your post...

    I'm afraid that one does not wash.
    I-S, Jun 12, 2006
  7. Johnny


    Aug 27, 2003
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    As an infrequent poster, I find it a shame that this thread has degenerated into a slanging match.
    It could have been an interesting discussion.
    racey, Jun 12, 2006
  8. Johnny


    Jan 3, 2006
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    I said that the difference was negligible.

    And that's my point. A change of power amplifier makes more difference than a change of dac.

    A change of loudspeaker makes even more of a difference.

    Do you understand ?
    Johnny, Jun 12, 2006
  9. Johnny

    3DSonics away working hard on "it"

    Sep 28, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Planet Dirt, somewhere on it

    It was unavoidable from the start. If someone tries to use debate to "proove" a dramatically false contention and then fails to take note of other opinions and instead merely shouts louder "I am right and all of you are wrong and that is so because I claim to know so and so" such ends are pre-programmed.

    Hence I avoided any comments up till now and only really got involved when my name was mentioned.

    Indeed, but at least one of the parties in this thread completely refused any form of discussion, preferring to stand on the street corner with his placard and shout from the top of his voice "expensive CD Players are a ripoff" without presenting even as much evidence as the religeous fanatics usually do (they at least have Nostradamus and Dan Brown).

    I can only concur with technobear:


    Ciao T
    3DSonics, Jun 12, 2006
  10. Johnny

    Tenson Moderator

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Kent, UK
  11. Johnny

    Tenson Moderator

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Kent, UK
    And for that we are all very thankful lol
    Tenson, Jun 12, 2006
  12. Johnny


    Jun 20, 2003
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    No what has that to do with your original contention ?

    you said...................
    "Does a very expensive cd player make a difference to the sound quality of a hi fi system ?

    If so, how ?

    All cd players must conform to red book standard and so that leaves upsampling, jitter, and the analogue stage output as the possible contributory factors in the sound quality.

    Let the debate begin !"

    I don't see any debate from you .........you just tell everyone there gear is *hit. That very bad manners Then you again refuse to provide any hint to what your using yourself. Thats also very bad manners.

    You then twist the original argument to suit your own point of view. guess what thats bad form too.


    You mentioned volume pots not me

    you complained of not recieving invites, I made you one but suprise suprise you can even find the time to pm and discuss.

    your contentions are plainly wrong. You can compare dac and power amps it flies in the face of reason.

    sastusbulbas was right IMO
    3DSonics was right IMO

    You also never did answer my questions either ...

    I suggest that you start to grow up and cultivate those social skills your lacking.

    If you've built all your own gear post it up on the DIY section lets marvel at your pearls of wisdom, and where we can hang our heads out off shear ignorance. But we know this will never happen will it ?
    zanash, Jun 12, 2006
  13. Johnny

    penance Arrogant Cock

    Jun 30, 2003
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    Bristol - armpit of the west.
    Absolute tosh, you can not say that as a sweeping statement and expect to be taken seriously.

    You clearly do not understand much at all.

    Johnny, why dont you try taking an active part in discusions, rather than crawling from under your bridge whenever the mogadons wear off.
    penance, Jun 12, 2006
  14. Johnny

    9designs Linn Nut

    Oct 8, 2005
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    Blimey gets lively in here !!.... You'd all get band on the Linn Forum hahahaha

    Anyway I feel arrogant ;) ..... the opening question:-

    "Does a very expensive cd player make a difference to the sound quality of a hi fi system ?

    YES... end of story, no debate, can be proven by demonstration.

    Even my wife can tell the difference :D

    First player I ever owned was a Linn Karik, in the early 90's because I couldn't live with anything else in the shop.
    I've since compared with an Internet wonder DAC, (Monica2) the Karik wins,

    I've also acquired a Unidisk 1.1, one of the "expensive players"...

    When I plug it in for the first time, the wife looked in surprise at me and said woow that is so clear, amazing. She knows nothing and cares less about "HiFi" just likes music.
    The quality improvement is huge.... I'm right I OWN a F*** expensive player..... and not just write and speculate.

    "Why does it "..... because the engineers at Linn know what there doing....and I care not... they are my "slaves", I pay them well... ...... They make improvements for me !!!
    Johnny why do you not work for a major Hi-Fi design company ????

    Do I need to understand it to appreciate it ??? NO, that's complete bollocks.....
    I design parts for cars, do we all need to know the difference between designs of cars to be able to drive and choose one .... I mean they are all designed to meet the same legal safety requirements...but does that make them all the same... whats the difference between a Lada and a BMW, nothing more than 20K price ticket ????

    I think a lesson needs learning, to be anything on a Internet Forum, and to have posts of any value, ones needs to EARN RESPECT from other members, I drop in here from time to time, but have very quickly worked out a few well respected members, who I need not agree with on choice of equipment etc, that becomes irrelevant with RESPECT, but always read and value there contributions and opinion...

    Well I'm off to consider my next upgrade after selling my Keltiks last night..... what would you recommend Johnny as a 4 channel active power amp to drive some Dynaudio drive units ?
    9designs, Jun 12, 2006
  15. Johnny

    bottleneck talks a load of rubbish

    Jun 19, 2003
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    I generally agree with these statements, in a broad sense.

    Chill out though people. Its only hifi.
    bottleneck, Jun 12, 2006
  16. Johnny


    Jan 25, 2004
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    Actually bottleneck it might not be HIFI,its a modified 150 quid cd player that might not have ended up as high anything,let alone fidelity,it might be sh1t,but then again,it might not be.We only have Johnny's word for it that he 'can do circuit boards'.
    Saab, Jun 12, 2006
  17. Johnny


    May 1, 2006
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    Johnny in response to your first post.

    firstly i'm not on the attack,
    but it all comes down to personal preference, I don't really care how much something costs, my system is very cheap in comparison to probably 99% of people on here, I think it sounds pretty good so i'm not really bothered about spending thousands because I am happy with it (although I always strive for a better sound, as long as it is fairly cheap and worthwhile):) but I don't doubt that a megabucks system would sound better, of course it will, it will generally have better components better design and look better to boot.

    but you are sort of right in what you say, if you meant you don't need to spend thousands to get a nice sound with a bit of diy etc, because you can.

    but you are wrong in saying there is no difference because there clearly is, the extra money may or may not be justified but this is down to the buyer to decide, you nearly always get what you pay for with hi fi, (within reason) also normally if someone produces something crap and expensive you get to hear of it, so it is fairly easy to work out a budget and a sound you like to get a system that suits you, (which is the whole idea is it not? ) I prefer cheap and diyable (because that is half the fun) others prefer top of the line and not having to touch the system for ten years or so. again this is personal preference, why do you think you know better than the person buying the equipment? if they like the sound how can you possibly say it is crap ?

    would you mind posting one of your designs? because you would be a good person to talk to, if you dropped some of the dictator attitude and shared some ideas.

    may I suggest you start another thread entitled circuit design ?
    if you email me pictures I can host them for you or help you put them online, as I am genuinely interested if you have any original designs good or bad.

    a human response would be apreciated, thanks:)

    ps sorry if I have copied others responses as I only read the thread through quickly ( too painful on the brain):D
    dean.l, Jun 12, 2006
  18. Johnny


    Jan 3, 2006
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    Bear in mind that I come from a 'studio' background. I'm not an audiophile. So the issues in each field are different.

    Volume pots are not important in a broader context when designing pre amplifiers, because we only take into account its total impedance, where of course we assume that its reactance is zero for dc.
    Johnny, Jun 12, 2006
  19. Johnny


    Jan 3, 2006
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    I have nothing to gain whatsoever from giving out my own designs to people, such as yourself, 3d sonics et al, who don't have the right mentality to appreciate it.

    On the other hand, there is nothing stopping you from designing your own circuits.

    If you have any specific questions regarding a design, simply ask, and I will respond to you providing you have a basic knowledge of electronics, which there is no evidence to suggest you do.
    Johnny, Jun 13, 2006
  20. Johnny


    May 1, 2006
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    "I have nothing to gain whatsoever from giving out my own designs to people, such as yourself, 3d sonics et al, who don't have the right mentality to appreciate it."

    what is the purpose of you posting on this forum if you are not going to discuss anything interesting ?

    "On the other hand, there is nothing stopping you from designing your own circuits."

    I have, I once managed to get a lightbulb to glow, which sounds like more than you have acheved,
    well there is no evidence to suggest otherwise.:D
    not meant horrible but you asked for it.

    "If you have any specific questions regarding a design, simply ask, and I will respond to you providing you have a basic knowledge of electronics, which there is no evidence to suggest you do."

    do you want copys of my hnd thingy from college, that counts as a basic knowlege does it not?

    although I have forgotten most of it, I still have a basic knowlege. I can build a valve amp from scratch too, I can show photos.:)
    where are yours?

    there are talkers and walkers in this world, you old boy are a talker.

    not meant to offend.
    lighten up you might actually have some fun on here.
    dean.l, Jun 13, 2006
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