[QUOTE=Isaac Sibson] And for getting to and from work... If I was to take the train, I'd have to leave home about 6:30am, get the 6:45am train, get into manchester around 7:20, change trains, get out to oldham station which is still 10 minutes walk from work, so arriving at work around 8am. [/QUOTE] Such luxury, Isaac! Can we swap? Leave house 6.00, walk down hill 6.13 get Waldenburgerbahn (narrrow gauge railway) 6.25 arrive Liestal 6.31 get Zürich Interregional 7.25 arrive Zürich main station (a) if lucky, get 7.28 S-Bahn, arrive in office 7.50 (b) if unlucky (normally the case), miss 7.28, get 7.42, arrive in office 8.10.