Once we have been forced onto public transport and become `used` to it, it is an absolute certainty that the price of such public transport would then sky-rocket, as did the train fares. On top of this i can`t see any product or service that the cost of would not esculate, the unit cost of every single item that you purchase, from your daily loaf of bread to your latest purchase from e-bay, that is transported via a road network or uses a service that requires a road network (ie. postal/parcel service) will rise considerably, do you think that the manufacturers and service providers will foot the bill for the `mile charge`? not a chance! Local shops would then be in a strong position to raise their prices even higher as more and more of us would be forced to buy our essentials from local stores that we can walk to. One thing is definite the government WILL make more money from this from all directions.
Gregs comment of `Though if pollution is the target then fuel duty is about as fair as it gets - you pay tax on what you burn.` is what i`ve been saying for years, a move to add what we currently all pay on road tax to fuel instead would be a far better move, we will then be encouraged to buy a car that is very fuel efficient and would in turn be `charged` for how much we use our cars rather than what time of day or road we use. If implemented correctly a system like this should create a similar revenue to what the government currently collect through the road tax.
Well done Mr Blair for waiting until after the election to drop this one on us, looks like the `voters` have fell for it again.
At least it`ll be ten years before it`s implemented though.