F***ing pay as you go road tax!

Beat congestion? Take 10 large areas around the country. It could be MOD, royal, church or gov land for example. Plan out evolving modular cities, with predetermined changes of land use as it grows. Plan in public transport, local employment estates, local housing, local shops, links to other areas. Ban cars for internal journeys. At the moment we have people in town A working in B, people in B working in A - all in equivalent jobs.

Incidentally, I have noticed that employers place zero importance on whether you live locally, so make them pay and they will soon hire people on a different rating system
I would suggest that the Chairwoman of The Select Transport Committeee may well stand up to those who wish to push this plan through the House.

For two parliaments, she has chaired the select committee on transport. Now it is clear that government whips want to get rid of her.

She is celebrated for being independent and coruscating. You hear about her on the news now and again: "Mrs Gwyneth Dunwoody, the committee's chairwoman, said that the government's policy was 'hopeless' and 'pitiful' and would lead to total transport gridlock even on country lanes in northern Scotland 50 miles from the nearest house" - or words to that effect.
greg said:
2. Any notion that using a fuel efficient car is a valuable contribution to the environment is a joke. The cost to the environment and the quantity of energy used to manufacture a car dwarfs any savings in that dept.
That's why I see myself as ultra-green for having a 30 year old LandRover and a 31 year old mosickle...
And I do think that perfectly good cars are scrapped far too easily at the moment - insurance cars write off motors that have got scratched bodywork, ffs. In India those cars would go on for another 40 years!
We have far too much of a throw away culture - only new is good and old is bad..
leonard smalls said:
And I do think that perfectly good cars are scrapped far too easily at the moment. In India those cars would go on for another 40 years!
We have far too much of a throw away culture - only new is good and old is bad..

Ah - but India has that dry heat, man! Throw away culture though - don't even get me started on that one. White goods that fail after 5 years, stereos and TVs that fail after 1 - it's ridiculous.

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