Got me a record player!

Originally posted by HenryT
Hmm, doesn't mirror my own experiences at all... The retail value of my CD playing equipment is worth a multiple or two more than my vinyl spinning hardware. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ;)
In fairness Henry you've got one of the most expensive digital front ends around so I don't think it's fair to use your example. IMO you could get as good or even better for much, MUCH less money. I don't want to have a dig at your gear, just that I don't think it's representative. Both WM and merlin have digital rigs that aren't exactly cheap but they cost a fraction of what yours did and for a cost/cost comparison are much more representative.

Well the main difference between the two mediums in this comparison was resolution. The vinyl copy shows greater bass weight, at the cost of a rather loose and tubby character. Not bad at all, and in many ways more enjoyable. But the bass was out of character with the rest of the frequency range, and the leading edges were softened in comparison with the CD.

I recently found a mint original copy of Leftism (3 x LP on Hardhands). It sounds superb, certainly loads more bass and scale than the CD, way more dynamic too. I get no sense of the bass being overblown or tubby ââ'¬â€œ might just be the SV cut (I don't rate SV very highly). I've also got Rhythm and stealth as the 5 x 10ââ'¬Â box which sounds phenomenal, but is not user-friendly at all - there is just one track a side so you are changing the record over every 6 minutes or so... can't really relax and enjoy it!

Originally posted by merlin
Interesting Henry, what have you been doing with the dCS kit :confused:
I think it's probably what I haven't done to it yet that's the more pertinent question. ;)

Originally posted by michaelab
In fairness Henry you've got one of the most expensive digital front ends around so I don't think it's fair to use your example. IMO you could get as good or even better for much, MUCH less money. I don't want to have a dig at your gear, just that I don't think it's representative. Both WM and merlin have digital rigs that aren't exactly cheap but they cost a fraction of what yours did and for a cost/cost comparison are much more representative.
The dCS is still small change in comparison to some bits of digital replay hardware I could mention off the top of my head e.g. top of the range Krell, Mark Levinson, Boudler.... How much was the Metronome set-up that Titian was looking at?

I'd cenceede and agree that at full price, the dCS boxes don't really represent value for money, but then one could level that comment at most pieces of high-end audio kit above about £2k retail over I guess. I think it's a case of, can you get **exactly** the same for less and "off the shelf to" boot? I bought the dCS (and Accuphase CDT) second hand, so paid at least half full retail. I bought the T/T brand new, but even if you compare the expenditure in a "what I spent" context, then the digital front end is still more expensive by £1k compared to the T/T.

WM's set-up isn't really representative IMO :D. It's not exactly "off the shelf" spec is it? The un-modded Wadia boxes I first heard nearly 2 years ago now were certainly nothing special to these ears, but now a days, that's a different story.

I'd guess that Merlin has probably spent the same amount as I have on the CD playing hardware i.e. CDT/DAC. OK, the Tact RCS2.2 does a lot lot more in the same box than the dCS boxes put together, but it has a slightly different approach and set of priorities. ;)

I'm not looking to box swap, but any suggestions for better value CD front-end suggestions than what I have would be most interesting to read about. I've personally yet to find an "off the shelf" solution that does everything that I like about the dCS, granted there are boxes which do certain things better for less, but for me they seem to be a compromise in one way or another. :)
Got to stick up for Henry a Bit here, he paid roughly the same as I did for Wadia's in age/ratio and remeber it's a upsampler as well, now it is AND will capeable of giving some quite serious sounds in the not too distant furture, a glimpse of which was evident last saturday, along with one or 2 surprising results.
It's also the presentation he prefers, he also has a cracking TT set up, so I feel out of all of us, he is in a 'Better postion' to comment on the pairing and he's natural, IE "NAH mate it's bollox!" I seem to recall using a little while ago.
Just another case of horses for coarses. WM
Originally posted by wadia-miester
It's also the presentation he prefers, he also has a cracking TT set up, so I feel out of all of us, he is in a 'Better postion' to comment on the pairing and he's natural, IE "NAH mate it's bollox!" I seem to recall using a little while ago.
Just another case of horses for coarses.
Absolutely agree w-m.

Anyway, how can anyone talk about Henry (or someone's) system not representing good value for money, unless they can use Henry (or someone's) ears and carry Henry (or someone's) wallet?

Personally I think these comments are O.O.O.

Just to put things in perspective, my views re dCS refer to new prices, and in that case to not refer to Henry's package.

The cost of Delius/Purcell new, which is a fabulous combo, is now about £12K I believe!! Even used you are lucky to see change from six, this is why I decided to sell on my dCS kit a year ago. Now for me twelve months ago,dCS was head and shoulders above the rest of the marketplace. Now I am less sure, it seems there are some very fine dacs out there, no doubt developed in response to the groundbreaking dCS design.

Rohman will be going in later here, so I will be giving the TT a chance.
i appologise if someone has mentioned this before but i just can't trawl through 8 pages at the mo but....

have you thought about how this turn table is going to react with those 15 inch jbls yet :eek: :D :yikes: :banana:


Originally posted by merlin
Rohman will be going in later here, so I will be giving the TT a chance.
I'm pleased for you. TTs add another dimension and as everyone's said, it's not a question of 'either/or', we can have both.

As a matter of fact I'm realizing how my recent TT improvements are focusing my mind on the need to get more out of the cd player and also giving me a reference for comparing cdp tweaks. I think it works both ways. You have a 'vive la difference' view of TT and cdp but still, each can show us which way is up.

BTW, I know some speakers that work particularly well with the Rohmann. In the interests of even further forum solidarity, wouldn't it be the best thing for everyone if either I bought a pair of speakers like yours or you bought some like mine? :MILD: :ARTHUR DALEY: :D

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Out of topic, have you checked Dynaudio Air, pro speakers with DSP xovers, your TACT has digital outputs, doesn't it... :confused:
Its interesting that I am 21, and my grandparents who are in their late 70's prefer CDS! I again thing that both formats offer different things, however I love vynil because the sound is refreshingly different to CDS, none of that you get with cds.

Also vynil is a hell of a lot of fun, from goiing in the second hand shops and buying good condition albums for £1, and classics for £4. And of (sorry about bad grammar) course having to lift the platter up to change the belt onto a different pulley to change the speed. Its all so much more fun than CD which is alll too easy.

I hate and dispise semi/fully automatic turntables though, I find it impostable to get the arm into the track you want to listen to as the platter starts spinning as soon as the arms moved.

Thank god mines 100% manual.
Originally posted by lowrider

Out of topic, have you checked Dynaudio Air, pro speakers with DSP xovers, your TACT has digital outputs, doesn't it... :confused:

Spooky Antonio! We have a pair of the Air 15's in the house at the moment, kindly leant for evaluation by the UK distributor.

They aren't bad actually, not in the league of the Tact/Merlin combo, and don't really like background levels too much. But as a system with a transport, they are highly entertaining and discreet. Think of them as posh ATC 20's;)

merlin,have you thought about how this turn table is going to react with those 15 inch jbls yet ,

Should be bouncy Julian:D the JBL's should be up and running in the next couple of weeks so we will find out soon. Got a bloody head cold over the weekend so now everything sounds crap anyway:(

BTW, I know some speakers that work particularly well with the Rohmann. In the interests of even further forum solidarity, wouldn't it be the best thing for everyone if either I bought a pair of speakers like yours or you bought some like mine?

Steve, you will have to drop in at some point with your little babies, let's wait for the arrival of the JBL's first to hear them in action with a man's sub;) Plus I would like to give the cartridge time to settle in, I still have this sneaking suspicion that the TT should be sounding better. Is it alignment, is it support, power supply, dirty stylus or record......... is it just me or does vinyl make you paranoid:confused:

Birds of a feather stick toguether... I found very interesting the DSP xover, and they have the exotar tweeter... :rolleyes:

I would try the 6" woofer model...
Originally posted by lowrider

Birds of a feather stick toguether... I found very interesting the DSP xover, and they have the exotar tweeter... :rolleyes:

I would try the 6" woofer model...

Yeah Antonio:) I will say they image like ba**ards and for an all in price of 2.5K represent great value when you consider you are getting the dacs, amps and some good speakers for the money.

They also go ridiculously loud:JPS: a pair will do 128db at 1 mtr:eek: The tweeter is not the esotar, but the 1.1" esotec used in the contour range. The 10" bass unit really gives body. If I were looking for a digital setup in the 5K price range, I'd definately have them on the short list, hifi shops be damned:D

Trouble is, I'm kinda enjoyng this analogue lark;) Must go, gotta change the bloody record over again:D
Originally posted by julian2002
oh merlin,
how the mighty have fallen.

Have no fear Julian, the Silver stuff is back in situ and performing well. I wish I hadn't dabbled to be honest, it only serves to show the limitations of CD as a format, no matter how much you polish it.

Going back to CD does show up the vinyl in some respects though, so I guess I will continue to base my system around the digital gear (so long as I can forget the naturalness of the dark side:D )

Interestingly, and I know this is sad, as the vinyl sounded so much quieter, I got out the old meter from the AV days:o Well the vinyl might have sounded a lot quieter, but the levels were the same acording to the readout:confused: Put another way, raising the CD level to match the in room levels of the vinyl as read by the meter, made the CD sound infinately better than it had before.

Welcome back from the abyss. I thought we were going to lose you for a minute. Us silver disc spinners need to stick together:D
Yes Merlin, we can save you from that horrid mess of sound called Vinyl, we have the ability to rebuild your (ears),:D
We are the chosen silver beer mat potectors, who he sworn to uphold the loyal folwing of the Binary code :cool:
Let those 1'a & 0's wash over you, and save your soul for rock 'n' roll, not snap crackle and pop :) WM
Originally posted by wadia-miester
Well fear not guy's for those who to sample the best of both worlds form a orderly que, Free admission to all ZG members, as long as their bring the beer :) WM

Well, I have to say my system is sounding pretty bloody amazing with my new digi cable - the best it has ever been. Loads of groove, speed and detail, with getting on for the naturalness of a good vinyl system IMHO. Actually, one of the best CD based systems I have heard, even if I say so myself!

I am well chuffed:D

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