Originally posted by bottleneck
Maybe I should give Merlin his thread back? ooops
Hell no Chris
It's great to see us all actually sharing experiences rather than trying the one upmanship game, so I'm all in favour of freeform threads like this.
Now today I managed to pick up a Simply Vinyl copy of Leftism for comparison purposes (in the sale at HMV

) I've been comparing this version with the CD, which I have to say, is one of the best mastered CD's in my collection.
For comparison, both sources were fed through the same TacT setup, using the a/d in the RCS2.2X converting to 192/24. Now I know this is a big no no for most but do bear with me here, I had already established that this route was superior all told to the analogue/valve option in my room. Plus, even those non plussed by the TacT setup would admit that it is very revealing when asked to be
Well the main difference between the two mediums in this comparison was resolution. The vinyl copy shows greater bass weight, at the cost of a rather loose and tubby character. Not bad at all, and in many ways more enjoyable. But the bass was out of character with the rest of the frequency range, and the leading edges were softened in comparison with the CD.
Sounds bad

Well no actually, because the resolution on the vinyl was clearly superior (native 192/24 as opposed to 192/24 upsampled red book). The delineation of individual parts of the mix was noticably better, leading to a more engaging presentation. Although the noise floor is higher, the perception of individual dynamic swings is greater, making me notice more of what is going on, if only slightly. This is simply better resolution, no question. The TacT exposes the limitations of CD, and shows what is possible with more depth to the recording. Bodes well for DVDA and SACD on the TacT
So why am I now listening to the CD version

Well, the vinyl has to be totally optimal to better it, it does sound better in the middle of the side, and the CD allows me to listen to the whole opus whilst posting this
Out of interest Merlin, what have you got your deck sitting on? One of those Lack table with or without a Siesmic sink?
SCIDB, It is actually sitting on the FE Pagode rack, no sinks involved. I will try to borrow an Ortofon to see what result I can get. Right now, the pros are possibly outweighed by the cons for me, but I am determined to give this a fair crack of the whip, so will try another cart before making my final judgement.
Merlin - I see you're in Bucks like me. Have you been to FOPP in Leamington Spa? - Id reccomend it, you'll get a stack of cheap music if you havent been. Its a nice town too.
Funny you should say that Chris. I was brought up in the very same town, cut my teeth dj ing believe it or not for the then famous Unicorn Disco, whose residency was the Buttery Bar, frequented by many of the Two Tone crew, and featured on the front cover of noe of the Specials albums. We had trouble with the rockers like WM back then too
First up Live In Japan Disc one Osaka, been about 5 months since this one got a spin (and many, many mods ago) whoooaaa, yes, man
Yep Tone, one of my favourite demos of the TacT gear, SOTW at the max, you could almost be there. Those old CD's from analogue masters were great, in fact one of my best sounding CD's is a CDR from vinyl played back on the top TNT deck

But yep, digital done well is very very good these days, and if, big if, high rez takes off, we should be able to have our cake and eat it