Home made equipment isolation platforms.......?

Thick slabs 2" +, about the size of the speaker footprint if possible.
DC forgive me for asking but what are you trying to achieve?

Hiya KS

To be honest I'm just in a tinkering phase, I've not got the cash for my next power cable upgrade and no where near the amount needed for my next source. So I'd thought I'd investigate the system support thing :)

These pine slabs under the speakers, is there a general sound characteristic they portray ?


LATE EDIT: I forgot, I do actually have a slight bass boom on some tracks, which I feel is the pre, but if bits of pine may help I'll give it a bash ;) (with 4"x2")
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David, have just picked up some nice looking oak discs with some ball bearings ;) hopefully get a free gap to test in the next few days :D
It is bad enough having to listen to the rising inflection at the end of sentences used by some nowadays without having to read it!
No, I do totally unreservedly, agree actually.

If your complaint was aimed at my words ".....let me know how you get on.....? ", I do assure you they were said without the remotest hint of inflection!

(even if the grammatical composition of the sentence did leave something to be desired :o)
let me know how you get on....

Hi David,

Quick change over, from sorbothane to oakandball, a little wobbley but nothing to bad :). Not had time for a proper long sound test, but I must say with first impressions I'm quite pleased:)

Now, I was quite taken a back when I first heard the effect of the sorbothane. Under various bits the sorbothane seemed to give a bit and take away else where, apart form under the power amp. Now with the oaknball, things get better still, not an astounding difference, but quite noticable. Things seem to have filled in more, much smoother presentation and resolution seems better:D

Good stuff, look forward to experimenting more :)

Oh only tried one size ball so far ;)

Great design David !!

Pre-wax application and,in this case, with 13mm balls.
Bit more feedback for you David,

Had a quick 1/2 hour play, small then big balls, the big sounded different ever so slightly, need a bit more time listening to actually work out what was different.

Back to the small balls under the Squeezebox psu, I seemed to get more up top but voices stayed the same, maybe lost a bit of pace. Under the SB not so much top, and a tad more pace. Just sorbothane under the power amp nice bit of grunt reappears and back to normal top end, and pace is back:) thinking I now prefer the grunt of the sorbothane and its pace and top end - Tried the small oaknball, same grunt, pace and top but a much more refined sound:D

Have not tried them upside down yet;)

Looking at the pic ...I thought these were the ones where the balls can move ......where as if they are "fixed" in the hole, like the inital lot you made me, if so then its me who is mistaken....
I'll agree with that......its the extra resolution that does it for me. Its not subtle the effect ...going from no feet to feet !

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