Home made equipment isolation platforms.......?

I guess the difference was not so big for me as the sorbothane feet made the first jump and then the oaknball make the next jump from there :D good stuff!

Arrrrr tried two sorbothane feet at the rear and two oaknballs at the front, which I'd say was half a jump to the full 3 balls (no sorb).

I am actually finding on some tracks, the long bass notes are maybe a little boomy, I'll try the big chunks of pine under the speakers me thinks. Don't worry David not a side effect from your feet, a silver power cable opened up the pre amp wonderfully but showed up a slight weekness of bass control, I feel its the pre amp letting the side down a tad.

Here Pete, was it mdf, rubber and then a marble chopping board, that you sat on the DavidFeet with cdp on top ?
Like a rubber door mat..?
What did you find the composite platform did for you ?
(I'm hopefully treading carefully enough, as I did not get far in to your iso post, before it vanished)

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Purely for absorbtion? Cork Oak. But it's not practical to make anything purely from cork, even in the natural form its easily damaged.

I just tracked down some cork for my iso plinth.....yep.....it works well.

So now, ive got (from cdp down)

2x granite slabs
2x cork (may well be more tomoorow)
loads of joint filler
mdf sheet
iso plinth

deaf cat was making the point about using concrete for mass?

anyone tried that?
Is the CDP touching the ceiling yet ?


I hardly dared say.....

It just underwent another slight evolution, to the tune of a load more cork (courtesy of Wicks) up by the cdp.......+ reformation of cones/balls ..

Moral of the story?

Mark (Knightingale) knows his stuff...the cork does the bus.....very nice (though I say it myself).

Note..no the cdplayer is not touching the ceiing but I have got slight space crisis :D.


seriously.......better placement of instruments.

Accurate soundstage..........all to the good. :-)
err what about the vibrations from the cd as it spins ?

the cds rotation will cause a hell of a lot more vibration than any earthbound vibration that you think you are curing by using bits of wood and marbles.
err what about the vibrations from the cd as it spins ?

the cds rotation will cause a hell of a lot more vibration than any earthbound vibration that you think you are curing by using bits of wood and marbles.

Well ok...

How would YOU do it?

I am not trying to avoid earth bound vibration s BTW but air bourne feed back leading to microphany.

I was using TWO sets of cones...one under the player itself, to solve precisely the issue you mention but the question of stabiltiy
was put to me, which I heeded.

So now I am using the two granite slabs to reduce the motor vibs.....then loads of damping material to avoid the feedback.

This is my simulation of how most iso plinths work.....but I more than welcome +ve (ie constructive) suggestions!


I don't thik I am using "bits of wood and marbles".

....seasoned oak + 17mm ball bearings.

glass rings ;)
"What about the vibrations caused by the spinning of the cd motor?"

Perhaps this is why folk recommend placing mass atop the player. To counteract-reduce the movement?

I still feel that the isolation of a component needs several diections of attack to be sucessfull,
"What about the vibrations caused by the spinning of the cd motor?"

Perhaps this is why folk recommend placing mass atop the player. To counteract-reduce the movement?

I still feel that the isolation of a component needs several diections of attack to be sucessfull,

I'd sooner not do that...

The player is tweaked, with bits quite close to the top.

That is why I was focusing on attachiing mass to the bottom.
Well ok...

How would YOU do it?

you can't - which is my point.

I am not trying to avoid earth bound vibration s BTW but air bourne feed back leading to microphany.

I was using TWO sets of cones...one under the player itself, to solve precisely the issue you mention but the question of stabiltiy
was put to me, which I heeded.

So now I am using the two granite slabs to reduce the motor vibs.....then loads of damping material to avoid the feedback.

This is my simulation of how most iso plinths work.....but I more than welcome +ve (ie constructive) suggestions!


I dont understand your logic , sorry.

you are trying to dampen vibrations that you think will come from external sources by adding granite slabs and wood, yet the largest vibration is actually created inside the unit itself.

what you are doing is like flooring your room with cotton wool so you cant hear pins drop while you have a pneumatic drill running in the room next door.

good luck with it anyway
what you are doing is like flooring your room with cotton wool so you cant hear pins drop while you have a pneumatic drill running in the room next door

you can't - which is my point.

I dont understand your logic , sorry.

you are trying to dampen vibrations that you think will come from external sources by adding granite slabs and wood, yet the largest vibration is actually created inside the unit itself.

what you are doing is like flooring your room with cotton wool so you cant hear pins drop while you have a pneumatic drill running in the room next door.

good luck with it anyway


"you can't - which is my point"

.....oh but I have!!

I've made a lot of progress.......IMO of course.....

I wouldn't be so dogmatic about the whys and wherefores....I think this is something of a black art at the end of the day.

Come on chaps....if the cdp is attached to the mass then the mass is part of the cdp ....if the cdp is only sitting on the mass then its not attached and the mass is effectively part of the earth.

A mass thats attached to the cdp either top or bottom will try to prevent the vibrations from vibrating the cdp due to inertia.....thats why damping works.

the spinning cd , the vibrating crystal 50hz buz of the transformer etc are all internal and as suggested need to be dealt with. Adding mass to the body of the cdp will go some way to reducing this.
It's surprising how much airborne vibration there is.
As an experiment run at a decent sound level just one speaker and gently feel the movement in the bass cones of the other-makes yer think....

if your cd player vibrates adding sound into the chain, why not just replaceit with something better built rather than creating a folly to deify it? ;-)

if your cd player vibrates adding sound into the chain, why not just replaceit with something better built rather than creating a folly to deify it? ;-)


1) its a pretty good player

2)I can't afford to!


3)I'd still be experimenting with whatever I was using!

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