talks a load of rubbish
seems like a lot of talk on 47 labs being non-plush.
Surely better than hiding the fact that something isnt very good behind a big brushed metal fascia and a shiny big knob (Im not naming brands there, just design briefs)
''Perceived value'' being the words Im looking for.
My question for Berillium Dust - If you found an amplifier with a perfect Null test...bought it...took it home...and thought it sounded crap, would you take it back to the shop?
If the answer is yes, then you've answered why the objective 'Null Test' isnt perhaps the best way to pick a product which is designed to give you an enjoyable sound.
If the answer is no, then yourself and the oscilloscope will remain happy for many years

Surely better than hiding the fact that something isnt very good behind a big brushed metal fascia and a shiny big knob (Im not naming brands there, just design briefs)
''Perceived value'' being the words Im looking for.
My question for Berillium Dust - If you found an amplifier with a perfect Null test...bought it...took it home...and thought it sounded crap, would you take it back to the shop?
If the answer is yes, then you've answered why the objective 'Null Test' isnt perhaps the best way to pick a product which is designed to give you an enjoyable sound.
If the answer is no, then yourself and the oscilloscope will remain happy for many years