Ive been and done it

It sounds like it's very heavy to me Ian, but then maybe I'm reading too much into things.
Great to see forum members helping each other out with good practical advice. So much more useful than arguing the toss over some theoretical viewpoint or other!
Originally posted by penance
off to listen to Leftfield properly for once;)
Amen to that! Do you have a sub? Leftism definately benefits from a sub. Storm 3000 at 150 Watts is quite something to hear :D
That's better! Hope none of the neighbours wanted an early night :eek:

Leftism is probably my number one favourite disc :cool:

Andy, I hope yours is sounding as good :)
Oh yes, it sounded good, and Moby
No sub the Chris, but Leftism always makes me think maybe i should try one;)

Bit flabby in the bery lows, but ive not played with cables, im useing an MF cable with bullet ends and when i tried it between CDp and amp a few weeks agao i thought the same.

Thats not a complaint btw:D
Its a revelation to hera the Dyn's sing properly........
Full report tomorrow, got some listening to do!
Originally posted by Robbo
Great to see forum members helping each other out with good practical advice. So much more useful than arguing the toss over some theoretical viewpoint or other!


Congrat's on the beast! Hope it warms into something spectacular!

Look forward to hearing how you find it performs over a wide range of sounds.
When you get Dyns controlled properly by a powerful enough amp, you'll find you don't need a sub :) (for music anyway). That was the major revelation when I demoed the Krell KAV-400xi at home - my 1.3MkIIs were playing bass like I'd only ever heard before with my sub switched on :eek: . Now I only use my sub for movies, especially since I switched my speaker cables over to correct the phase inversion of the DAC64 and since then haven't been able to correctly integrate the sub :(

Good listen last night, some vinyl aswell.

On initial turn on there was a tad of over forwardness to the highs, but soon dissapeared, i can only assume that was due to being cold.
It has a nice smooth sound. Powerful when needed but does subtle aswell.
I can hear more detail now, but i am thinking this is due to the dyn's being driven properly and so sounds that were lost before are now where they should be.
Imaging is way more solid aswell. Infact it is just way better. It still has the same tonal tilt, wich i guess is down to the shearne being pre, but its not a bad thing.

Regarding bass, it is better, but i think there are lows on some of my music that dyns are just not capable of reproducing. When i tried evo30's last year, there was bass i hadnt heard before but with the dyns it is just hinted at. Slightly annoying as i know its there, but the rest of the sound makes up for it.
Have to say, i am very happy with it now, big grin while listening last night.
May be looking for another IC at the Bristol show, just need to tighten up the very low stuff, but i am fairly sure that is IC related. Still no bad thing tho as it is more than listenable.

In the future i'll be looking at a pre, mostly as i can sell the shearne as an integrated to fund a pre;)
Which pre are you thinking of getting for the Rotel.

I also got this amp at a bargain last year for £950 and it is fantastic. Only problem is am using it with a RC971, which I think is limiting it's performace and the CD player (Pioneer 656) am using is not the best either.

I thought get the amp and upgrade everything around it, which is still my plan.

I will be going for a Dynaudio Contour S3.4(one of the new ones) and possible a the Denon 2900, ATC CA2 Pre I think.
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Hi Eagle

Ive not really considered exactly what pre yet.
Possibles to try are
Conrad Johnson
Audio Research
and maybe the pre amp module from DACT audio
a small list so far, but undoutdedly it will grow.

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