Good listen last night, some vinyl aswell.
On initial turn on there was a tad of over forwardness to the highs, but soon dissapeared, i can only assume that was due to being cold.
It has a nice smooth sound. Powerful when needed but does subtle aswell.
I can hear more detail now, but i am thinking this is due to the dyn's being driven properly and so sounds that were lost before are now where they should be.
Imaging is way more solid aswell. Infact it is just way better. It still has the same tonal tilt, wich i guess is down to the shearne being pre, but its not a bad thing.
Regarding bass, it is better, but i think there are lows on some of my music that dyns are just not capable of reproducing. When i tried evo30's last year, there was bass i hadnt heard before but with the dyns it is just hinted at. Slightly annoying as i know its there, but the rest of the sound makes up for it.
Have to say, i am very happy with it now, big grin while listening last night.
May be looking for another IC at the Bristol show, just need to tighten up the very low stuff, but i am fairly sure that is IC related. Still no bad thing tho as it is more than listenable.
In the future i'll be looking at a pre, mostly as i can sell the shearne as an integrated to fund a pre