IMO that lesson is that first opinions are not necesarily the correct ones. When you hear something new/different you will tend to recognise the area's it differs from your existing setup and if you like these differances will be tempted. However when you listen more extensively in a more relaxed environment when you just listen to the music (and not the HiFi) you may become aware of other more subtle differances which may not be so good.
Credit to Penance for recognising these shortcomings and admitting his initail evaluation was flawed.
Does raise the question about shop/show demo's though. For those without golden ears (I include myself in this) they should be not fully trusted. I have in my time bought a few items, such as interconnects and power leads that sounded like a good improvement in the shop but after prolonged exposure at home I've gone back to stock leads.
This also brings to mind the oft ridiculed practice of Naimies (or I suspect devotees of other manufacturers also) of sticking to Naim gear when upgrading. This appoach has the huge advantage that after living with your upgrade for a while you're unlikely to uncover some hidden unexpected failing.
TBH im still useing it, but i know i wouldnt be happy keeping it. Certainly for 800notes its not a huge step up on my shearne integrated. WEll yes it is, but not in all areas i would like