I must say, I have found the sound I have been seeking, and this is not a passing fad. I would encourage everyone to get one of these wad 300bs, it is absolutely the best amp I have ever heard.
I have always had reservations about 'hifi' something wasn't quite right, wasn't quite 'there'. If anyone recalls, I mentioned listening to a string quartet in a street, or a brass group, or nylon string guitar, and it struck me how 'rich' the sound was.
Something was missing from the hifi, I thought it could be cd. On some, vinyl did capture this better. I thought it could be moving coil speakers, electrostatics and horns somehow give more, valve amps give more in this area, <but the difference. It makes even good valve amps sound less good>, great on their own
, but I know what it is now, partly anyway.
Zero feedback, it really does come alive, feedback reduces gain along with noise, distortion, makes everything measure better.
But the wads have a feedback switch to add 9 dbs of feedback, reducing the forward gain by this amount. It does not affect power, just gain, the 2 are not the same.
And with it on, the strings go more metallic, coarser, flatter and lacking in vibrancy and life and body.
Switch feedback off, and it is so vibrant and alive its unreal. It really is a new dimension, less flat, more as it really is. To give privilaged people an idea, it is rather like the chord dac 64 in comparison to a regular dac, only the chord partly has this effect by an increase in volume. Even turned down, the 300bs do this.
I now just need the electrostatics, horns and hi end vinyl

, AND posh mains, posh cables, ics, ........ad infinitum...and of course more music....these amps really are worth changing your speakers for.